
Thursday, February 28, 2019

A class conscious society Essay

Her lack of authority of her word of honor makes us feel considerate for Sophy. We know that women had little or no influence over their sons, so she squeeze out non retaliate towards her son. In a advanced(a) orderliness, her sons behaviour towards her would not be tolerated, this once over again emphasizes that the Victorian era was lots more male dominant. Sophy can be argued a victim because she cannot set out a relationship with her son, they are in two worlds. brazen-faced uses the word deficiency to describe Sophys grammar. The row employed by inflexible suggests that she lacks a certain qualities, qualities to fit into the pep pill contour confederacy.Already, we are aware that she cannot fit into an upper score society because of her incorrect grammar, unless more sadly, she cannot have a relationship with her son. It is as if that Sophy can be taken out of the lower variance society, but the lower tell statue never leaves her. Her son vetos the idea of Sophy becoming espouse to surface-to-air missile, because of this, Sophy declines to surface-to-air missiles proposal and obeys her son. Sophy is now part of an upper class society, if she married a lower class citizen, this would be fr beared upon.However, Sophy attends to her son and not her heart, if she was to marry Sam, her sons reputation would go down, and her son wouldnt be respected in the upper class community. Hardy makes it take up that Sophy does love Randolph, but he has no love for her. Her son vetoing her marrying Sam highlights his lack of respect for his mother, essaying he doesnt give a damn for her and only worried of his eminence. Once again, we observe Sophy as a victim, because she will never be happy. Through her relationship with Sam, we see that Sophy is satisfied with being a lower class citizen.During her relationship with Sam, she pulled the strings in the relationship she was the one to be pleased. In reversal, in the upper class society, she was the on e who had to please, but because of her grammar, she was looked down upon. Hardy suggests what marriage to Sam wouldve been akin for Sophy. Throughout the story, Sophy blab outs a sentence at a time when she is public lecture to her son and her husband, Mr Twycott. When she is with Sam, we speaks freely, she had to reason to hide her true self, she is only truly herself and at ease when she is with same.She doesnt have to try with Sam, however, with Mr Twycott, she has to try hard and speak properly and act like a lady. Her excitement when she is with Sam portrays her only care in life, this emphasizes that she may regret her decision of marrying Twycott. Sophys incapacitation is symbolic of her loss of maneuver of her life. After Twycotts death, she has no control over finance, she has no control of her own son, she has no control where to go and even marrying Sam, or she feels she cannot. This is a complete comparison to life in the countryside she had control of life, includi ng her relationship with Sam.After marrying Twycott, her only control was to say no to Sam, this highlights she lost all control of her life as soon a she married Twycott. Hardy creates sympathy for Sophy, we see that she may never be happy again in her life because of her son vetoing the idea of her marrying Sam, he only happiness. We see that Sophy is only living to die. A modern twenty-four hourslight reader would be angry towards her son as he uttlerly lacks pathos fir hid Mother although, during the Victorian period, this was common, The fact that sons had no influence from their Mothers means that they could almost tell them was to do, a role reversal.patronage all this, we see Sophy accepts his sons path because she loves her and understands his motives. Sophy accepts the situation, this results her being confine between two worlds. We see that Hardy himself, favours lower class society. Hardy uses harsher speech communication and illustrates a dark gloomy surrounding fo r upper class citizens such as dirty, tortured & dusty. He uses friendlier words and colourful surroundings to illustrate a lower class citizen such as pretty and fine peal.We can expect Hardy to favour lower class citizens because he himself was bought up in a working class family and experienced what it was like to be part of a lower class society. We can expect him to have harsh horizons on the Upper class Society because of their lack of understanding and lack of setting towards the working class people. Despite this, we do not see a happy ending in the terms of a modern day reader. We would want Sophy to marry Sam despite the vetoing of her son, instead Sophy dies unhappy. Sophy doesnt have a happy ending, she dies alone and unhappy, for the reason she cannot marry Sam.Either Sophy is a victim to a class conscious society or she scarcely made too many bad decisions. When Twycott proposed to Sophy, she didnt have to accept, however, she mat that she couldnt. This once again shows how the Victorian Society was class conscious, the lower class citizens felt that they couldnt defy upper class citizens therefore it shows how much that the class has bearing on her. She also didnt have to listen to her son and go and marry Sam, but again, the class system would show and she made the decision no to go with Sam.On the other hand, Sophy can be declared a victim, she was forced to move away from her friends and families, her own wedding was a hushed up secret, people glance and trounce about her, she has no friends and her own son has no respect for her. My view on this is that Sophy is a victim of a class conscious society because of the decisions she made. Nikesh Patel 11B Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This educatee written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Progressivism from the Grassroots to the Whitehouse

Progressivism from the Grass Roots to the White House (1890-1916) Political styles in history coincide with momentous revolutions. Here in the join States, the industrial boom brought about the growth of large railroads, development of corporations, rapid expanding upon in urban areas and new socio-economic delimitate groups. In 1886 progressivism began in the United States in response to the rapid modernization and the accompanying social ills. Progressivism was defined as the political dejection that addresses ideas, impulses and issues stemming from modernization of Ameri raft society.Emerging at the end of the nineteenth century, it established much of the tone of American governance throughout the first half of the century (Harriby, 1999). The United States was experiencing a menstruation of urban growth, economic distress, labor unrest, unemployment, low wages, un bewitching labor practices, and ugly living conditions. Large numbers of international immigrants arrived d aily to go bad in this newly established industrialized society, while escaping the harsh realities of their native countries.As the shift from agriculture to industry/manufacturing droves of people relocated from rural to urban northern communities. As in about societies, the focus had moved to traffic versus the needs of the people. In the midst of a religious awakening later on visiting the settlement house in London, England, Jane Addams noted how this new grounds was impacting London and challenged social Darwinisms theory of survival of the fitness. Families were bettered because of the social devise being done. She and a fellow seminary student, Lillian Wald started the Hull House in the dough ghetto.This mansion became the center of life for thousands of immigrants, launching the settlement house movement in the United States. The houses confronted the social problems by reforming individuals and society. Efficiency and expertise became the watchwords of the advanced vocabulary. Childrens services were provided, namely nurseries, kindergarten and afterschool programs, mothers were taught simple skills and drubing women later organize trade unions for laborers. Training programs were developed to ensure that welfare and charity work would be undertaken by trained professionals.Child labor laws were enacted giving children the prospect t to go to school, organized labor unions were formed supporting goals of eight-hour work days, improved safety and health conditions, workers compensation laws and minimum wages for women. The movement picked up momentum and was joined by church leaders pursuit social purity by pushing prohibition. Progressivism became prominent at both level of organisation, giving voters direct voice in legislative and discriminative matters with initiatives, referendum and recall.Some of the notable politicians who subscribed to the progressivism philosophy were Mayor Thomas Lofton Johnson from Cleveland, Ohio who fough t for fair taxation. Hiram Johnson, California Governor (1911-1917) and U. S. Senator (1917-1945), promised to return the government to the people free of depravation and corporate influence. The focus became to give honest public service. From 1901 to 1909, President Theodore Roosevelt steered absent from the persistent passivity of his predecessors and promised the American people a Square Deal, accentuation that the average citizen would get a fair share under his policies.He demonstrated his willingness to challenge large corporations (trusts) by using the power of the government to control businesses. He championed the railroad reform giving power to the interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), the establishment of the Pure Food and Drug human action (banning impure or falsely labeled food and drugs from being made, resole and shipped) and the Meat Inspection Act (banning misleading labels and preservatives that contained harmful chemicals).One of his most lasting legacies was his significant role in the creation of 150 home(a) Forests, five national parks, and 18 national monuments, among other works of conservation. In total, Roosevelt was instrumental in the conservation of approximately 230 million acres (930,000 km2) of American soil among various parks and other federal projects (I. E. Cadenhead, 1974). Initially the modernized movement sought to improve the lives of white middle class citizens, it than expand to include women and lower classes.Many of the core principles of the Progressive Movement focus on the need for efficiency in all areas of society. Purification to happen waste and corruption was a powerful element (DeSantis, 2000). Jane Addams once said, Unless our supposition of patriotism is progressive, it cannot hope to embody the real affection and the real enliven of the nation (Jane Addams). Now the movement encompasses persons whose civil rights are challenged, such as the minorities, such as GLBT (Gay rights), immigrants, and Socialists.The self applied term is generally apply by people to the left of the Democratic party. Some of the well know progressives include Cornel West, Al Gore, John Edwards, Ralph Nader, the late Ted Kennedy. Modern issues for progressives can include electoral reform, environmental conservation, pollution control, same-sex marriage, reproductive rights, universal health care, death penalty, and affordable housing.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

An Inconvenient Truth Summary 3

An Inconvenient Truth In An Inconvenient Truth, Albert control board presents us with a thought-provoking oration by employing three cogent appeals. He utilizes the elements of ethos, intelligence, and pathos in order to better achieve the goal of nonifying the severity of spherical warming as well as rouse peoples environmental consciousness. An appeal to ethos deals with credibility and what makes the author fitting to speak on a particular subject, Al gore does this in both selections. The entire film is presented in the context of a lambaste hall in a university, which gives the auditory sense a sense of seriousness.Additionally, board suggests his persistency and commitment by pointing out his political c arer as the Vice President, worldwide travel experience and abundant research on environment which as well can substantiate his qualification to be a spokesman on the mainstream issue of globular warming. Moreover, panel calls on practised testimony for a number of times, including that of his Harvard professor, who first promoted measuring carbon dioxide in the earth atmosphere which effectively establishes Gores credibility.Albert Gore appeals to logos by piling up deliberate evidence to further throw over people about the crisis of ball-shaped warming. Dynamic graphs and charts, one of which indicates the rapid change in temperature associating with the escalation of carbon dioxide, are displayed with movement owning to the multi-media. Also, by using time-lapse photography, striking changes in places, such as Argentina and Grinnel Glacier, are shown in photographs to show the scientific theory that the earth has been severely affected by global warming.Gore, in addition, mentions other effects of the global warming in an direful tone, which comprise species lost, natural disasters, and new-found diseases displayed footages of news about hurricanes, primarily Katrina, pictures of extinct creatures, and discoveries of viruses jump er cable to illness, such as Avian flu, West Nile flu etc. By these methods, Gore effectively makes the audience aware of the significance of preventing global warming from being aggravated. Yet, in this seemingly pure-scientific presentation, Gore targets the audiences emotions several(prenominal) times in appeal of pathos.By recalling his sons car incident which nearly took him away from Gore, he not only provokes the listeners sentiment of sympathy, precisely also emphasizes the point that we often fail to value what is precious until we are in danger of losing it. Gore makes a profusion of projections which startle the audience with the effect of alerting them to the crisis. For instance, he employs a concerned tone by predicting the devastating future of mankind when hundreds of millions of people are killed due to global warming. On the other hand, Gores sense of humor alleviates the terrible atmosphere.His occasionally self-deprecating jokes (I am Al Gore. I utilize to be the next President of the United States. ) and sarcastic comments ease the listeners body fluid and exert a pull on their attention. What is more, the use of comical cartoons not only gives the audience a laugh but also provides them with a more comprehensible view of global warming. By analyzing Al Gores well-organized steps to proving his main idea, we can ascertain that Al Gore has adroitly utilized the three above-discussed appeals, ethos, logos, and pathos when imparting his viewpoints on global warming to people.

Hiv Film Reaction Paper Essay

The story unfolds to a freelance director of a documentary consume named Gil. He was tasked to document everything that covers HIV. His subjects were Heidi a prostitute, Ivy a call center agent and Vanessa a gay. So determined to finish the documentary, Gil finds no sentence for his girlfriend. Most of his time was spent on the job(p) on the documentary. He didnt have a rough time convincing the three to be his subjects since he tells them that they are a bang-up help to those who needed to be informed about the disease. But as they go through shooting and editing, Heidi died, Ivy gave up and Vanessa got into trouble. Adel asked Gil wherefore he is really so desperate to finish the documentary and wherefore it seemed so important to him.Gil tries to keep the real reason that very hard moment. Until one day he was awakened to what Ivy has told him that she wants him to give interpretive program to the victims of the disease then Gil ended up deciding to be well(p) one of t he subjects who would complete the story. He appeared on cam telling his audience that the documentary is about the story of the people who are trying to live despite having HIV and still sees hope. The story of Heidi, Ivy and Himself. The strong point of the film is really the screenplay which is in time and has an impact. The acting was established well since the actors suit to each of the character they portrayed. Also, it has a beneficial cinematography. The shots and angles are just good enough to be able to leave a good public opinion to the audience. Seeing the film, every element is very good which leaves its audience a very positive reaction.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Future in Psychology

When going into the knowledge base of psychology, ace is able to look for many different c beers. In this paper I will examination the career of t each(prenominal)ing, and talk about the requirements maven must bugger off to bring into being a teacher. I will alike discuss the training for this field, preparations one should make when entering this field and the salary and promotion this field offers.When choosing what field one wants to go into, one should choose what they are interested in. I chose inform because I like working with children and enjoy being a part of a childs growing up experience. By choosing the psychology, special instruction major, it every last(predicate)ows me to do the career I wanted.In the past ten years, the registration in teaching training has increased. More and more people are choosing teaching as their profession. The requirements from the Department of Education are different for each state. At Marist College, they offer a naked York State approved and registered undergraduate programs. This certification leads to different fields that one can go into. For example, one could chose, elementary and special schooling, which names them a dual certification.This specific certification gives a background in liberal arts and in psychology. Graduates of this program are prepared to teach in a regular elementary schoolroom and are also able to teach in a circumstance with students that have special educational take ups. The requirements for the program are that one must have a grade point add up of a least 2.7, and have grades of a least a C+ in all courses in the professional sequence. Candidates in New York state must faint two exams and have three letters of recommendation.Teachers work thirty-five to cardinal weeks for a ten- month school year. An sightly salary in New Jerseys unexclusive schools for preschool is about 24,665 dollars per year. State wide elementary teachers earn an average of 45,880 per ye ar. Substitute teachers earn eight dollars and ninety-two cents per hour. Once employed advancement comes with higher pay for experience and additional education. A teacher may obtain their tenure after a three-year probationary period.The employment for teaching jobs is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through the year 2005. The employment growth is compared to the population growth. The hang on of teachers will increase as improvement of job prospect increases. The public and state agencies are demanding higher standards in public education. Therefore, teachers will not only be in demand programs, except will need stronger backgrounds in education and psychology. The enrollment in teaching training has also increased within the past five years.I conclusion, the psychology, special education major is one that will prepare me for my career choice. Teaching is an pregnant career and one that requires not only a solid education, but a love for chil dren. It does have some requirements that may be arduous to obtain, but in the long run it will make it easier to obtain a good job. Teaching is a career that offers different things. By developing ones skills in basic reading, writing and math, one is able to give students the skill they need.

Contribute to Children and Yp’s Health and Safety

MU 2. 4 CONTRIBUTE TO CHILDRENS AND YOUNG good dealS HEALTH & SAFETY Check your knowledge 1. What does COSHH stand for? COSHH stands for check over of substances hazardous to health 2. Name two other regulations that cover health and honestty in childrens settings. Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences Regulation (RIDDOR) 1995 nourishment hygiene legislation 2006 safe storage and preparation of food 3. angle six routine daily checks you should make of the indoor and outdoor environments in your setting. ndooroutdoor Check that floor is clean, clear, bright and look invitingCheck that there are non sharp instruments, rocks check that all toys are securely place on mats, or well arranged and not damagedEn trustworthy that there are not insects and bees nests Check that heating and lights are workingEnsure shed is locked at the end of the day 4. Identify two ways in which you can make sure children are secure in your setting. Checking that the gates and the d oors are locked Ensure that the heavy(a) to child ratio is correct . List three aspects of welfare cover by the statutory requirements of the EYFS. Safeguarding and promoting childrens welfareThe provider essential take requisite steps to safeguard and lift the welfare of children. The provider must(prenominal) promote the good health of the children, take necessary steps to prevent the unfold of infection, and take appropriate action when they are feverous. Childrens behaviour must be managed effectively and in a manner appropriate for their tip of development and particular individual needs.OrganizationProviders must plan and organize their systems to encounter that every child receives an enjoyable and challenging learning and development endure that is tailored to meet their individual needs. DocumentationProviders must maintain records, policies and procedures required for the safe and efficient management of the settings and to meet the needs of the children. 6. Give three examples of how you king assess the risk of particular activities, taking the childrens ages into account. working with animals the animals must be well trained, proper supervision and the activity should be do with children over 8 years football the children can hit individually other or can happen accidents as breakages as a control measure I need to provide plenty of infinite and not interfere with other games 7. Why is it of the essence(predicate) to record accidents and incidents? It is important to learn from mistakes and prevent children being injured or becoming ill in future and to report to parents. 8.List six items from a starting signal aid kit. adhesive bandages, sterile dressings, thermometer, gloves, regular strength pain medication, Disinfectant. 9. What should you do in the case of an accident before you start to give freshman aid? Before starting to give first aid in the case of an accident is to call for an ambulance. 10. List three key signs of m eningitis in a baby or young child. Fever Headache despise of light Stiff neck Red spots underneath the hide that not disappear when a glass is pressed against it

De Stijl and Bauhaus Movements: Modernism in the Soviet

Formed in Holland in 1917, De Stijl (The Style) or Neoplasticism is a reason constructed by artists whose concepts ar in line with utopian approach to art. Its founders were painters Theo van Doesburg, who is also an architect, and Piet Mondrian, a painter. The throng which composed of other painters, and published the paper called De Stijl. Recognizing the need to remerge art and design, the De Stijl campaign promoted functionalism. The basics of their design include rectilinear shapes sliding across unmatchable another.Opposed to surface decoration and free space, De Stijl explored the use of cubic or three-D shapes to fill in space. With a tendency to be aesthetically simple, it applies merely pure primary hues, black and white (Matthews, n. d. ). From functionality, one can number that the proponents favor the use of space for abstract function and style. Arts produced in this movement had their own way of expression, which opposes pure art and natural design, that promot es other possibilities with the constructivists use of plastic art.Artists of De Stijl movement include Le Corbusier, who constructed designs using bold 3-D geometrical shapes correct on the exterior. For example, in his House at Weissenhof, the designer used a massive horizontal block for the upper structure to attain highlight. Windows are designed similarly to avoid irregularity, thus suggesting order and functionality. Such design with the geometrical packagees set on the exteriors is most commonly used nowadays in topographic point grammatical constructions, condominiums, and malls. The square boxes are used either as terraces or box plants, and each is designed with uniformity.In some schools nowadays, this design takes the form of extended ledges, which arrange as safety structures to prevent falling. The United Nations Headquarters designed by Le Corbusier is another example of De Stijl art. As one can see, the create which towers high above has a similar structure to the office buildings nowadays. This 39-storey building accommodates 3,400 employees. The side walls are made of tinted glass, while the narrow end walls are of white marble. Considerably, buildings made subsequently take on this example, with tinted glass windows as walls, which combine high aspects of functionality with aesthetics.Although short-lived, the influence of De Stijl has been very prominent in the current era. For instance, the concept of the toy Lego, which uses plastic art to construct structures, has been very everyday among children. Also, many buildings and houses have been constructed based on the philosophy of this movement. Influenced by De Stijl, the Bauhaus movement followed, with a philosophy of turning away from old structures, and employing modern or international art with a higher sense of functionality for social and semipolitical purposes.Led by Walter Groupis, the artists focused on urban planning, housing, and development for the common deal or the masses. Included in the teaching of Bauhaus arts is industrial production. hostile De Stijl which supports plastic art, students under Bauhaus are taught to work on handicrafts to gain accord of theoretical principles. One Bauhaus artist well-famed for designing multi functional buildings is Walter Gropius. Designed in 1911, Fagus Works boasts of modern art and style.The exterior is a combination of glass and brick walls, which allows passersby to view the interiors. Steel staircases adorn the corridors and add to the eclectic sentiment when viewed outside. Influenced by De Stijl, this building employs elucidative design but limited color in of beige and grey, thus striking a balance amongst repose and grandiose. Moreover, the use of bricks and glass, steel and wood for staircases also sets a balance between smooth and rough surfaces, or hard and soft, which further suggests both permanence and impermanencea universal theme in the modern world.References Jirousek, Charlotte. (1995). De stijl. Retrieved haughty 22, 2008, from http//char. txa. cornell. edu/art/decart/destijl/decstijl. htm Matthews, Kevin. Le Corbusier. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from http//www. greatbuildings. com/architects/Le_Corbusier. html Matthews, Kevin. Walter Gropius. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from http//www. greatbuildings. com/buildings/Fagus_Works. htmlhttp//www. google. com. ph/ look? sourceid=navclient&hl=tl&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLJ_tlPH259PH259&q=soviet+de+stijl+artists

Monday, February 25, 2019

Philosophy Plato& Personal Opinion

Philosophy Providing Answers for Questions & Questions for Answers Kristen Riso 5250378 PHIL 1F91 Professor Dr. Lightbody TA David Cor homophile Word Count 1941 The alibi scripted by Platos is an excellent piece of philosophical literature that fire teach us many things. Most importantly this fine literature gives us the utmost insight into the ism of Socrates. As sound it teaches us the subject of enquire questions and probing for results when we dont understand so we house uncover the truth and goatvas rather than thinking we beat and being ignorant.The intention here is to pick out the ism of Socrates and use what Ive learned from his appraisals to present my accept beliefs on what philosophy is and relate it to my individualised bread and stillter. The start of the essay will be devoted to deciphering the ethics and i packs of Socrates philosophy and describing the three key components being Socratic method, mockery and ethos as sanitary as how they are engr ained with Socrates belief that, the unexamined life is not worth living. During the moment portion of the essay I will discuss my belief that philosophy is the process of consistently asking questions to earnings brain and insight to lifes mysteries and ch allenges. Similar to Rauhut I would describe philosophy as vindicated questions but I would conclude that definition to be incomplete. Philosophy necessarily constant discussion and revision, yes it does begin with a simple belief or question but the whole purpose is discussion and explanation to gain further learning and discretion of the subject in question.In Platos The Apology Socrates uses the Socratic method as a way to prove his whiteness and show the misconceptions of others. The Socratic method is a process of debate amidst individuals with departory beliefs. The debate is used to promote critical thinking and trend the individuals to consistently prove their surmisal. In attempts to prove their beliefs they are in magic spell constantly trying to disprove and eliminate the judgements of anyone opposing them.To defend your opinion, disbelieving gutter be used to cause deep thought by the opposition ab step up their beliefs and force them to provide supporting evidence to hold their perspective. Socrates constantly uses this technique by forcing people to explain what they think they hump and by asking the right questions he is able to show the flaws in their ideas. These questions can lead a defendant to contradict himself so fortify the ideas of the opposition. And up to now, I admit that my plainness of speech makes them hate me, and what is their hatred but proof that I am speaking the truth? (Plato, 24a-24b). This method creates a much greater chance for a successful and applicable hypothesis and meditates and dissects ideas to see how they fit or contradict with other beliefs. Socratic ridicule is a tool used in the Socratic method in attempts to get the opposition to expose their deficiency of understanding or an break in their rationality. The process uses very(prenominal) specific questions in which the person who is skeptical pretends that they lack neckledge on something that they actually have.This is displayed when Socrates questions Meletus and causes Meletus to bring up facts which contradict his accusations against Socrates, if a man with whom I stir to live is corrupted by me, I am very kindredly to be harmed by him and yet I corrupt him, and intentionally, too so you say, (Plato, 25e-26a). With this technique the person asking the question knows the answer all along and thusly when the opposition supplies an answer that is incorrect or flawed they are able to clearly represent the mistake that is made thus proving their point without any doubt or contradiction. But either I do not corrupt them, or I corrupt them unintentionally and on either view of the grounds you lie. (Plato, 25e-26a). This process is very effective due to the sole reason that you can make your opponent prove your point for you. The irony of this technique therefore lies in the simple fact that by pretending to display your own ignorance on a subject you con your opponents into openly presenting their own ignorance, therefore causing them to work against themselves to your advantage. Socrates displays the Socratic method and clearly illustrates the ffectiveness of Socratic irony when he defends himself and his ethos to the court and jurors. Ethos being the Greek word for character depicts the delineate ethics, principles and views of the person or group in question. When discussing the philosophical beliefs of Socrates, a man who is good for anything ought not to calculate the chance of living or dying he ought only to consider whether in doing anything he is doing right or wrong acting the part of a good man or of a bad. (Plato, 28b-28c) it is evident that he is ethically, academically and politically opposed to the majority of the population of A indeeds during his life.Socrates does not fear death and therefore he would not change his opinions or who he is even when he is frame on trial with a possible death sentence. He believes in honesty and cares some enriching the lives of others, I did not go where I would do no good to you or to myself but where I would do the superior good privately to every one of you, thither I went, and want to persuade every man among you that he must look to himself, and look virtue and wisdom before he looks at his private interests. (Plato, 36c-36d). Socrates is utter to be very wise and yet he always claims to realize no acquaintance. I am better off than he is for he knows nothing, and thinks that he knows I nether know nor think that I know. (Plato, 21d-21e). This brings ahead the idea of ignorance and how false overconfidence combined with some noesis can lead to less wisdom than no knowledge at all. When Socrates interacts with the Artisans he finds th at they have knowledge about life that he does not know and thought that they would be wiser than him. He later found that they overshadowed their wisdom with the idea that they knew more than they actually did. Therefore I asked myself on behalf of the prophet, whether I would similar to be as I was, neither having their knowledge nor their ignorance, or like them in both and I made answer to myself and to the oracle that I was better off as I was. (Plato, 22d-22e). The idea presented by the oracle portrays the concept that men who are not overconfident and believe that they know nothing would therefore ask questions and be the most willing to learn thus giving them the advantage to become wiser and not miss out on opportunities that life presents.This implies that Socrates is not in fact the wisest man but that anyone who is open to new ideas and asks questions in attempts to understand is wiser than anyone who believes that they are more intentional than the rest and are thus ignorant to knowledge. I would say that knowledge is a very broad term that encompasses a great deal of different skills that can be absorbed through either look or education and can be either practically or theoretically applied. In philosophy the study of knowledge is known as epistemology.Philosophers in this area try to define knowledge and gain understanding of how it is obtained as well as connecting it to our own beliefs through explanation and rationalization. I would say that Rauhuts claim that philosophy is the study of open questions does have some soundity but it only convers part of what I would describe as philosophy. Philosophy needs to have verbal debate amid many individuals to ensure that thought provoking questions are asked to probe at the brains of people causing them to really think and have to support their theories with valid evidence and reasoning.It is not just about answering what something is but similarly why and how it happens. I would say that ever yone uses philosophy in their everyday life, whenever we analyze something and ask others and ourselves questions we are philosophizing by forcing ourselves to search for answers that are strange to us. Philosophy thrives on logical rational thinking and being able to verbally justify and clarify your ideas while enlightening others.A personal have got in my life, which I would directly relate to philosophy, would be the time that my surmount friend and I watched Inception. The movie was extremely thought provoking and had a particularly interesting concept. After the movie was finished my friend and myself were straightaway diving into a conversation about perception and reality. The idea of stargazes is very philosophical in my own opinion, which is why the discussion that this movie instigated was perfect.Originally we conversed about the idea of whether or not he was still in the dream and to back up our ideas we provided evidence. Information such as the fact that at the e nd of the movie the spinning top started to wobble which never happened in the dream existence would provide support to the idea that he had managed to run for from the dream world and make it back to his family. On the other fade looking at the fact that his children still looked the same and were in the backyard in the same position reinforced the idea that he was still in the dream world.By asking questions and seeking answers we were being philosophical and therefore gaining knowledge and understanding by asking how and why and providing rational reasoning for our explanations. This then lead us into a discussion about dreams and reality and how we can determine the truth. It made us ask questions such as, how do we know what is real? This brought up the possibility of us being in a dream world and the idea that maybe only one of us was real and the other person was a figment of imagination created by the mind of the real person to create questions and drive for deeper thinki ng and change magnitude intellect.I would conclude that discussion as being an enlightening and philosophical experience in my life due to the nature of its content as well as the thought provoking questions asked. In my mind that is philosophy and to determine it elegantly, I think therefore I am (Rene Descartes, 1596-1650). Philosophy is all about thought one must think to create idea and to make connections between anything. The mind must be constantly analyzing the world and asking question to obtain knowledge and understanding of the world somewhat them.If you close your mind you give yourself up to ignorance and choose to live in a world and false beliefs and misconceptions unaware and the beautiful depth of philosophy. The idea that ignorance is bliss I would have to disagree with in a philosophical sense due to the fact that analyzing and questioning the aspects of our world to further your comprehension of anything that interests you has got to be one of the most importa nt and enriching aspects of life, as we know it.If we did not ask questions and search for answers we would never grow and advance. Questioning is the key to understanding and that is a tremendous factor in expanding, developing and progressing the world as we know it. Philosophy is the study of open questions such as what, why and how as well as the process of gaining answers through rational thought, calculation and verification. References The Apology by Plato

Discuss how three or more important symbols add to your understanding of Of Mice and Men Essay

In Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck portrays mess excite along withs to the indorser through and through respective(a) techniques, including the vivid animal imagery presented throughout the novelette, more or less notably in Chapters 1 and 6. However, his most potent form of message conveying is through his use of symbolism. Interweaving light imagery and exercising characters as symbols into the text furthers the outgrowth of integral themes and plotlines throughout the turbulent story. From the deep and green Salinas River to the right ext residual to that had held the gun, Steinbecks utilization of symbols contributes to the readers everywhere totally insight of the chaotic book, highlighting recurring themes such as l unityliness.As was utter in the introduction, Steinbeck employs characters as symbols. The most familiar showcase of this is old glass over. edulcorate is a significant figure in Of Mice and Men, due to the likenesses between him and George. I aint muc h good with ony superstar strivethats why they give me a job swampin, edulcorate explains to George. As a swamper, this is all edulcorate has left. In 1930s America, a worker who could not work to his full potential, especially during the time of the clinical depression, would be replaced- Candys ultimate worry.Thats why he wants to put off and tend the chickens and hoe the garden some on Lennie and Georges land. Candy can lead a safe life, not having to worry nigh world canned. Candys stumped wrist is a terminus of an accident on the paste. Candy is a prime example of world caught in the Migrant Workers Cycle- moving to one job, to begin with leaving and moving somewhere else. A link can whence be established with George, and Lennie, who appear to have been traveling around running(a) before the time of Of Mice and Men. This is another(prenominal) case of the cyclic nature of the novella, and a reflection of the American way of life in the 1930s.Another example of C andys symbolic nature is with his ancient dog. This Candy and his dog is the initial congressship in the novella to be broken, with the last(a) bond, George and Lennie, being sunk at the climax. No, he give tongue to softly. No, I couldn do that. I had im alike eagle-eyed, explains Candy in Chapter 3, referring to the idea of killing his dog. This is very similar to George who, disrespect knowing Lennie bequeath only cause grief to him and those around him, does not want to hurt him, because he excessively has been with his companion for a long time. Candy explains that, I been around him so much I never notice how he stinks, while George earlier says, but you get employ to goin around with a guy an you cant get relinquish of him.- Another likeness between the ii. George has his own dog, Lennie, who follows George around, maintaining silence in conversations and maturation increasingly dependent on a master.During the novella, the recurrence of loneliness, and speculat ing at a lonesome finale, is ever present, especially in the form of spieling cards. The bunkhouse is frequently the scene of the games, with George the dealer. This is significant, as George frequently exclaims his desire to be but, If I was alone I could live so easy. However, solitude is Georges enemy, and he is horrific at the prospect of living alone. This is projected through his card track downing, supple sat downacross from GeorgeHe studied the solitaire flip over that was upside-down to him. Inadvertently, George has dealt a game of solitaire- a single player game, an implication at the conclusion of the story, when George ultimately kills his companion.A similar blusht arises when Candys dog is led by Carlson to be shot. Anybody like to play a runty euchre? asks George. The key theme of loneliness is being forced away by George, who refuses to be alone, opting to ask the group to play cards. The constant reminding of imp end point solitude, and its effects, enabl e the reader to understand and fully scan the inevitability of what is to come.Hands play a vital role in the symbolism of Of Mice and Men. There are various references to the hands of men, building up to the climatic noting, right hand that had held the gun. Despite the assortment of quotes in relation to hands, each has its own meaning. Georges right hand is the killing hand that seals his isolation in the world. Candys lack of a hand, come with by persistent referencing to his handicap, Candy stood in the doorway scratching his audacious wrist, provides a stark reminder of the perils of working in 1930s America, stressing the sizeableness of staying healthy.If an illness or injury affected the work rate of a person, they were often removed from their job- a brusque feature of Capitalism. The contextual relevance expands the fluency of the text for the reader, as the framework for the 1930s American fraternity is commonly paralleled with the novella. With regards to Curley, his gloves fulla Vaseline, which hes keepin soft for his wife. This is one of populacey shake upual references regarding Curleys wife, who regularly symbolizes the contextual attraction of whorehouses and prostitutes to the migrant workers.As stated above, Curleys wifes character is crisply familiarized with prostitutes and the brothels of the 1930s American society. Her flirtatious nature is met with an ever pull rounding objurgation from the workers on the ranch Candy thinks, Curleys marrieda cutting, who, got the eye, referring to her engaging character. However, in a letter to Miss Luce, the actress who plays Curleys wife in the play version of the text, Steinbeck explains, She is a nice, kind girl and not a floozy. According to Steinbeck, she is a little starved. She knows utterly nothing about sex except the mass of misinformation girls tell one another. From this, we can deduce that Curleys wife isnt a Looloo, and she isnt likely to be comprise in Old Susys Place, bu t due to the beat Curley and her have not consummated their marriage, she feels an object to men no man has considered her as anything except a girl to try to make.Curleys wife, Steinbeck explains, is a nice person, and knows the only way men will notice her is if she is desirable. In Of Mice and Men, Curleys wife experiences loneliness, due to neglect from Curley, and she confesses this to Lennie, Aint I got a right to talk to nobody? Since no one has seek talking to her, Curleys wife has not proved to be anything more than a floozy, which explains the unpleasant behaviour towards her. It is interesting that, when Candy calls her a tart, there is a pause, as if to suggest caution. Further along in the conversation, Candy asks, You wont tell Curley nothing I said? This implies that Candy is afraid Curley will learn of what he has been saying, as the ranch is the only work hell ever acquire, due to his old age and handicap. The threat of Curleys wife to the workers intimidates t hem to the point of obeying her.Steinbecks pointed description of how Curleys wife flagrantly flirts with the other workers is a re courtition of the theme, which he has earlier shown, using the brothels and his showing of the women who work in them as being unblemished objects. It is almost as if Curleys wife believes that the only way to get by in life is to be like those women in the brothel, and to wisecrack herself as an object. This is the case in Chapter 4, when Crooks coldly exclaims, You got no right comin in a coloured mans room. Curleys wife uses her position as the boss sons wife, and her contextual superiority over the Negro to threaten him, I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it aint even funny. This is threatening to Crooks, as one simple cry of Rape will result in a lynching. Curleys wife also knows that, notwithstanding the harmful comments made by the men on the ranch, she holds a searching advantage over them Curleys pretty handy. Curley could beat t he worker, and get them fired, due to his position as the boss son.All but two of the workers fear Curley Slim, Slimwas scowlingYou lay offa me, and Carlson Ill kick your god-damn head off. Curleys wife, therefore, can target the remainder of the men, and flirt with them, to further her position. This goes horribly rail at when she begins to pursue Lennie. Firstly, she re-establishes her coyness through Lennies dream, Well if thats all you want, I might get a couple rabbits myself.Then, in the vitamin B complex house, she looks, closely at Lennie to see whether she was impressing him, another instance where she is trying to put across her mark on a worker. Curleys wife seals her own circumstances by exclaiming, Mine Hair is soft and finefeel right here. This is the last stage of Curleys wifes seduction physical contact. She has seen for herself that Lennie likes to pet things, and she foolishly bids Lennie to stroke her hair, knowing full well he will. Lennie strokes too hard , and she flops like a fish. Steinbeck purposefully repeats this simile, as this has been employ when Lennie crushes Curleys hand. This divided simile between the married couple suggests similar characteristics between the two most notably the volatile tempers of the two, Whats the matter with me? she cried.As the novella was written in 1930s America, the contextual content would be ever-present. However, approach off of the Depression, the American Dream had been damaged. This is highlighted by Curleys wife, I never got that letter, referring to her failed career as an actress. He says he was gonna put me in the movies. Says I was a natural. This is a prime example of the American Dream a nobody becoming a somebody. However, as with the Depression and many lives in America, this Dream was shattered So I married Curley, almost as if she married him to anger her mother, I always thought my ol lady take it. Curleys wife can be classed as the Depression itself the ender of drea ms.The Depression ended the American Dream (Curleys wifes dream), as well as other peoples in Of Mice and Men, Curleys wife also ends Lennie and Georges dream, by enticing Lennie, which led to her death, and the end of the Dream. Putting this into reality, these small symbolizations, such as Curleys wife ending Lennie and Georges dream, enhances the understanding of the novel, as the main contextual features are patently clear, assisted by Steinbecks geographical knowledge of the area Steinbeck was brocaded in the California area, and he worked on a farm the descriptions of the landscape painting would therefore be accurate, blurring the line between fact and fiction.One of the most effective symbols that Steinbeck employs to the novel is that of animal imagery. Throughout the novel, Lennie is likened to a corroborate, due to many references, sloping shoulders and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. The bear-like stance of Lennie sugge sts his ferocity and power aid him, but he is clumsy, and disposed to attack, a true reflection of Lennies character. In the opening and final chapters in the novella, the moods are very different, yet similar. The evocative beginnings to each chapter pay repetition of the deep green pool of the Salinas River, whilst both being break by man.The most significant part about these openings is the disposition of the foreboding in Chapter 1, the rabbits hurried noiselessly for cover, whilst in Chapter 6, Lennies intrusion is as tongueless as a creeping bear moves, yet another reference to his bear-like stature. However, the most potent form of animal imagery is when it is used in a prefigurative sense. In Chapter 1, A stilted zep laboured up into the air and pounded down-river. In Chapter 6, the heron reappears, A silent head and beak lanced down and plucked it out by the head, andswallowed the little snake. This is a foreshadowing of the events to follow, where George shoots Lenn ie in the back of the head.Steinbecks manipulation of his shortstop story permits him to substitute ordinary characters and plots with complex, contextual symbolism. This is used to great effect, and enhances the readers understanding of the text, which allows a broader knowledge of both the book and the environs in which it was written.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Amber Inn & Suites, Inc

chromatic hostel & Suites, Inc. is a 250 property hotel chain with locations in 10 western and harsh Mountain States. As a special assistant to the corporation the conclusion is to prep ar a comprehensive analysis with the possibility of consecrateing a unfaltering base for future(a) growth. (Kerin and Peterson, 2010). This case study will provide a summary and analysis of chromatic order & Suites, Inc. options and an examination into the companys strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities.Problem Modification gold inn & Suites, Inc. problems to be addressed are how to emphasize on the corpo pose travelers and spending family stays. The Ameri spate Hotel and Lodging connectedness have reported oneness half of on the whole guests are wrinkle travelers and the other half are for unfilled or family vacations. In comparison, yellow-brown Inn & Suites, Inc. basic every(prenominal)y crackings the same amenities as other hotel handcuffs in the midscale to sparing trope. (Kerin and Peterson, 2010). However, they are not able to compete with high take aim hotel chains due to limited- returnss which inhibit their growth potential.Case depth psychology gold Inn & Suites, Inc. has project growth in the annual caparison revenue of 7.4% for the current fiscal course of instruction. However, it is still slightly below the boilersuit hotel industry average of 7.6%, but higher than the average limited-service growth rate of 5.8%. However, Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. is also projected to reflect its third yr net loss while the hotel industry as a full-length and the limited-service operations reported profitable operations over the past third years following alterd economic conditions. (Kerin and Peterson, 2010).During the past fiscal year, Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. has closed deuce underperforming Amber Inn locations and opened one Amber Inn & Suites property. In the past few years, Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. has closed 12 underperforming Amber Inn properties, and opened two Amber Inn properties and collar Amber Inn & Suites properties.Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. is projected to reflect lower revenue in the current fiscal year due to Free-Night Stay promotions. The loss of revenue for each location utilizing this promotion will have an effect on over al unneurotic performance of the chain. The guide on Cost per way is projected to be $28.75 which has remained steady for the past three years. However, variable costs acquirely associated with the operation of the hotel properties, much(prenominal) as direct labor, utilities, and hotel/room supplies (including breakfast food and beverage service) are subject to change. (Kerin and Peterson, 2010). unified expenses are subject to the going market rates for Sales, general, and administrative. These costs can include1. IT Services2. Legal3. Finance expenses (interest rates)4. Accounting (especially if utilizing outside sources such as an accountant)5. Human resources (outside sour ces are more than costly)6. Sales (outside sources are more costly)7. Marketing (outside sources are more costly)Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. hired two additional National Sales Representatives this past year for a jibe of 10 representatives. Marketing cost rose due to added marketing and media advertising. A large scale study was performed to identify Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. guests. both(prenominal) of these additions increased the expenditures for the current fiscal year with results and benefits to be determined in the future.Identifying the Root Problem ComponentsExecutives have expressed concern over the job level at each of the locations. Asking questions as follows1. Are we utilizing the precise outmatch promotions or are there better promotions we can offer2. Are we asking questions just about what consumers want3. What determines which hotel they choose to stay at4. Why are we comparing Amber Inn as an economy hotel when we offer better services5. Are we coming togethe r our guests expectations6. Are we providing the best services available7. Are our board up to the companies standards at all locationsThese are all questions we should be asking ourselves and finding answers. We can improve our performance as a leader in hotel management for all locations and we will meet guests expectations.Evaluation of AlternativesAs a Special Assistant for Amber Inn & Suites, Inc., recommendations would include widen the sucker market to include more amenities for problem travelers and the leisure/family vacations. thither is no reason to trade off the leisure/family vacation business vs. business travelers. You can look at ways of establishing sections in the hotel to harmonise both. Such as north, south, east, and west wings to name the families from the business guests. A business guest may not want a room full of children above, under, next door, or across the hall from them. The noise level is a problem for a business traveler preparing for meetings. This causes complaints. Simple solutions separate them at check-in. Identify who your guests are and what their unavoidably are going to be while visiting your location. Advertising this consideration will be a big plus for any business traveler or hit who do not want to listen to a crying baby.Displaying ferocity on what a guests needs are will separate you and establish the blur. Brand awareness is a major emphasis in the upcoming year. A meeting needs to be arranged with the CEO, Joseph James, and all other executives to present a plan of action. If you do not make brand awareness your mission how does Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. plan to take figure of their destiny? All executives need to have the same goals to make Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. the best it can be.Special attention should be apt(p) to a set growth plan for advertising and promotions. Since the Free-Night is costing Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. money come up with a better fillip to entice guests to stay at your chai n instead of any other. upraise Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. is such a way your guests seek you out. My recommendation is to identify your target market of past business travelers and leisure/vacation guests send emails offering special rates/discounts for multiple night stays. let them know about the new way of assigning rooms base on needs of the guests. Add this information to Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. website for future potential guests. Making this change to website information will become war cry of mouth advertising. This is the best advertisement you can have and it is free appendage potential in all areas outlined creates the opportunities to be more boffoRecommendationsThe following are recommendations1. Place more emphasis on the leisure/vacation travelers and business travelers2. stage up sections of the hotel for lodging based on guests needs separating business travelers and single/older guest needing quieter environments vs. family guests with children3. Establish th e rooming needs for guests during the reservation or check-in process4. Establish Express check-out service onsite5. Establish/emphasize brand awareness through emails (former guest) and website information6. Set up check-in/check-out service via website guests will just need to term of enlistment briefly at the counter to receive/drop off rooms keys7. Broaden advertisement/promotions offering discounts/special rates for returning guests8. better efficiencies at locations guest needs being primary focus mop upThe emphasis in the upcoming year will be meeting guest needs in all areas. With special focus on establishing a new way to assigning rooms for guests, listening to guests about what they want and need, and lowering or eliminating guest complaints. Setting our Amber Inn brand apart from other hotels in the industry, creating the perfect environment for all guests, and raising our expectations compared to economy level hotels. Promote the Amber Suites brand to be very comparabl e to any other hotel chain in the midscale range even though we do not offer onsite restaurants and conference facilities. steal the Free-Night promotion and design a new promotion to create customer loyalty and establish brand choice. All of these upgrade changes can be accomplished with our guests in mind. Now lets work together to rebuild a new future

Comparison Between the Cost of Living in Ecuador and the United States

The Cost of Living surrounded by Ecuador and the United States The cost of living between Ecuador and the United States shows several differences, but this essay is going to focus on two of the most common ones. The first one is the rental wrong of an apartment and the second one is the cost of clothing and shoes. First, the rental worth of an apartment of ternion bedrooms in Ecuador is around 500 dollars on the other hand, this cost is much higher in the United States actually, an American family has to ease up around 1500 dollars for renting an apartment with these characteristics.In short, renting an apartment in Ecuador is three times less expensive than renting it in the United States. Second, the bell of the clothing and the shoes is extremely expensive in Ecuador, for example if a person wants to buy one pair of Nike shoes, that person has to profit about 300 dollars, whereas in the United States if someone buys the same pair of shoes, he/she pays around 150 dollars.Mo reover, an American woman can get a Calvin Klein coat paying 250 dollars, while in Ecuador a woman has to pay almost 1000 dollars for getting the same piece of clothing. In brief, both the price of clothing and the cost of shoes are more come-at-able in the United States than in Ecuador. In conclusion, both Ecuador and the United States pageantry certain differences in the cost of living but the most ordinary are the ones related to the rental price of an apartment and the cost of the clothes and shoes.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement in Advertising

Advertising is one of the most trenchant strategies of non-price competition, thats why it is closely associated and widely used in ground of monopolistic competition. Companies in monopolistic competitive market can not sell more of their differentiated product without lowering the price. Thus, advertise is a great instrument to gain more customers and increase the sales without black the price. Despite of different views on economic effectiveness of advertising, modern abundant companies in monopolistic competition spend millions of dollars for promotion of own brands, goods or services.It is a known tactic to employ credit kisser for advertising own product. In particular, for many years Michael Jordan has been appearing in Nike ads, and the products of this alliance are associated with Jordan on global scale. Many companies use a notoriety or athlete for advertising its goods or services because celebrity endorsement attracts more attention of luff audience, as well as it increases credibleness and improves reputation of the brand in customers eyes, leading eventually to higher sales. Specialists rumormonger that celebrity is already a known brand, and his/her endorsement of the product helps to deem it more popular. You have the core brand and then you have the celebrity brand, and, when that confluence is positive, the impact can be tremendous (Storey, 2006).In my opinion, enfolding of professional athletes in ads of certain brands can be considered quite convince and effective from two perspectives. First of all, only successful powerful companies, which tender mostly first-class quality products, can afford inviting famous sportsmen (like Michael Jordan or David Beckham) to advertise their goods. Besides, sport is a passion of people of different ages. some(prenominal) children and adults around the world love sports very much, and thats why target audience of such advertising is very large. Nevertheless, recently British specialists f ound out that currently the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement is firmly decrease (BBC News, 2007). ReferencesCelebrity Ads Impact Questioned. (2007, February 27). BBC News. The British Broadcasting Company. Retrieved February 25, 2008, from http//news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/somersaulting/6400419.stm. Storey, L. (2006, October 12). Seeing Stars. The New York Times. Retrieved February 25, 2008.

How sympathetic a character Essay

Upon reading Aristophanes Wasps for the first time, Procleon, the antihero of the play, evokes a unusual sort of sympathy. The part of us that wants to rebel against the system identifies with his character, and admires the path in which, in the second half of the play, he does what the human being in the pass would really like to do (K Dover) and generally places himself above authority. Aristophanes loads Procleons character with vulgarity and nastiness, notwithstanding does it in such a way that an audience drawing the play for the first time will localise on sympathizing with him as the heroic character more(prenominal) than his deep-seated and worm darker side.For instance, in the first scene we see Procleon trapped inside his experience home, treated not like a villain or monster, but a mentally ill obsessive, or trialophile. The more you warn him, the more he goes to homage. Thats why weve had to bolt him in and guard the home plate for fear he gets out. The way the two slaves describe Procleons genius is quite comic. They describe him as a sad old man.He then tries to escape later on by holding on to the bottom of a donkey as it comes out of the house, in a parody of Odysseus in Homers Odyssey. On one put across, we follow his wit amusing, and he tries to mirror the cunning of Odysseus, and on the other guide we laughingly pity him for trying such an idea, especially onstage as it looks absurd. Aristophanes is poking fun at the latest trend in Athenian society in the ridiculous person of Procleon.However, Athenian litigiousness and trial manic disorder are not his only target. In his conversion from his former jurors life, Procleon becomes a caricature of an upper-class snob engaging in one of the well-heeled sets favourite addictions dressing up in your finery, attending drinking parties and meetings of secret societies and going on bibulous rampages through the streets, beating up passers by, knocking over statues, mauling slaves and women, etc. By the end of the play, its hard to tell whether Procleon is ny better off for having traded a poor mans pastime for a rich mans.In the first half of the play, wesee Procleon as a sanguineous bastard, a sadistic slave to Cleon whose only friends are the similarly savage, vespine jurymen. safe seeing this feeble army of nasty old men, we find present(prenominal) comedy. On the surface, nothing about Procleon seems too bad, just a earlier crazed old man with a strange obsession. He enjoys balloting defendants down he is comically sadistic. D. MacDowell However, when we look deeper into the play and Procleons character, we see that there is a far darker and more sinister side to him. premier(prenominal) of all, there is the fact that the only reason he enjoys sitting on the jury so much is so that he can turn pain and suffering upon innocent people. I long to come to court with you, some solid, lasting harm to do. There is also the way in which he treats his dau ghter, in a rather incestuous manner. she leans over to deed over me a kiss and fish out those three obols with her tongue spends his eld in the infliction of pain on others and his evenings in running his hand up his daughters skirt. K Dover.

Friday, February 22, 2019

How far is Odysseus’s status Essay

end-to-end the Odyssey, Odysseus is portrayed as a Greek hero. However this croupe be belieed. In many events Odysseus house be perceived as un-heroic at times. Therefore the above argu manpowert piece of tail be argued. Throughout this piece of work I result be discussing this statement and I will gradually draw circumferent to a conclusion. Odysseus shows leadership as he produces very clever ideas and performs quick-thinking actions. Throughout the narrative he has planned strategies, for example, every time Odysseus and his men cooking stove an island he ever sends his men first to investigate the surroundings.This quality can be seen as cunning and therefore he can be seen as a hero. His personality can be seen as bump for and scheming. In many periods of the book this can be come ond. He sash calm in situations and when his men die he thinks of them, and when in difficultness he does his best to help them says quote, we travelled with heavy hearts, grieving for t he injustice of our dear friends.. (Book 10 Line 133) Odysseus can be seen as resourceful, for example, he tool the undiluted wine with him when going into the Cyclopss undermine, which past later came into use as it saved his men and himself escape to safety.He is seen as shrewd as he uses a false have-to doe with when speaking with the Cyclops which again later on takes its effect when the men are absconding from the dangers of the Cyclops. Even though Odysseus can be seen as a hero, in some cases he can non be depicted as cunning. For example, he decided to ignore his caboodles suggestion to escape with the nutrition in the Cyclopss cave. Even though he was by rights to do the hospitable and respectable thing to do, by staying in the cave to greet their host, he made the wrong decision as the by staying he risked the lives of his men.Odysseus can be thought of as idle as he blinded Polyphemus with a stake. This could be looked at as un-heroic and wrong, but it can also be seen as him being unfor well-favored for his killed crew. Therefore these different situations can be looked at from two perspectives. He could be seen as hospitable and vengeful, which are true qualities of a hero, or he can be looked at as a violent person who has bad judgement. It all depends on the readers standpoint. Odysseus has a very strong relationship with the Gods, especially with Athenes and Hermes.For example Hermes helped Odysseus by giving him the moly flower. This can be looked at from two angles. Odysseus might seem not so heroic as he needs help from the powers that be, and he might be seen as dependent on the Gods. But this can be argued as wholly some people would think that nevertheless a hero can receive such gifts from the gods and that there has to be something special about him, and also Athene was known for helping heroes which could prove that he was i. Therefore, again, this line of reasoning could be argued. Odysseus and his men have omit trust a nd confidence in their relationships.This reflects badly upon Odysseus as it shows he is not leadership material. For example When Odysseus and his men sailed away from the Island of Aelia, Odysseus had received the gift of the winds. His crew did not trust Odysseus and opened the bag, thinking it was gold, and released the winds. This shows a lack of trust. other example that shows a requirement of confidence in their relationship is when one of Odysseuss men, Eurylochus, says You will never come back yourself and wont rescue a single man of your crew. I am certain(prenominal) of it. Let you get away quickly with those that are left here.(Book 10 Line 268). This shows that his men think that their destiny with Odysseus will lead to death. They feel as if his leadership is endangering them which shows that they do not think of him as a hero and influences the reader to think the same, even though Odysseus tries his best and up most to rescue his men In my opinion, I think that Ody sseus is a heroic figure. This is because in the book he is proved to be cunning, fondness and an important figure. There are many events in the book that contradict this, but they can be argued to whether Odysseus was really in the wrong.For example, he cherished to stay in Polyphemuss cave because he wanted to be hospitable (which is the right thing to do), and he was not aware of the dangers that were at hand. He can be seen as violent, but revenge was his only motivation, when he blinded the Cyclops. Therefore, I think that Odysseus can be categorise under hero, and I think that Odysseuss status throughout the Odyssey all depends on how the reader interprets the events that take place as they always have two aspects to look at.

Account Receivable and Dealer Information System

Chapter 1 Introduction I- Project Context Andis behavior dress shop is a sm all shop that sells modeable c passelhes and retail shop. The Andis sort B prohibitedique located at Sitio Tampoco Barangay Matatalaib in Tarlac City. The Area of Andis Fashion B let outique was in a cosmos place at the att end of the Magic Star grocery in Matatalaib Based. It was also a lashings of disparate Business located near the Andis Fashion Boutique like Drug store, Beauty Salon and Food Ho expenditure. It was the only boutique in the argona.The Andis Fashion Boutique started in year of 2010 at calendar month of May. When the Business started, they only sell products of Sundance, Avon and Natasha. The business arises in maven year, and assoil some Capital, from that Capital they maintain and add polar kinds of app atomic number 18l until they selling Shoes, Bags, Cosmetic and became a distri justor of Avon, Boardwalk, Natasha, Sundance, MSE, FX, Hang-ten, Tupper W ar and personal appeal. T he Andis Fashion Boutique came from the Names of a married couples namely Mary Anne Arciaga as registered business averer.Mary Anne Arciaga has the idea to be freelance is business. Hes lovable husband named Dennis Marcelo was her business partner for the reason that they be in possession of the familiarity and idea to start a small business as comfortably as their assistant of income. The troupe perspectiveulate to standardize certain rules and polity regarding business. How they wished they could screw both single task a companion essential do for the pas cartridge clip of their dues business became complicated with large number of plant life to monitor on gross sales, collection, reports, and accounts.Such problem pre substanceeed the requests customer supporter commitments and caused low productiveness and derive levels. The remove to enlarge manpower certainly give affect income and complicate the companys procedure. Updating reports spend a penny was ted time and effort with the use of force hoydens opeproportionn. The Companys need to remark certain teaching about dealers they must monitor due and neglectful accounts and denigrate payments delinquencies in order to maintain good customer service and perplexity to strength relationship.The delays incurred by the company in treat overdue accounts in the customary way affecting utilisation of an new(prenominal)(prenominal) task like concentrating on change magnituded production. Computers attain been around for many decades, hardly few companies unclutter what computers are adequate to(p) of doing. The only things they know about computers is that, they git store and retrieve data on its luxurianter than a secretary great deal. They never legitimateize that it arouse per constitute a lot of things more than nest egg and open files.They never knew what with it they could develop a arrangement exclusive for a certain task and may be customized in accordanc e to their preferences. With these in mind, the company indeed needs a totally reliable computerized clay to backup its personnel in order to relieve smooth decrease of act faster than they may ever call upd and capable of ful pig outing indulgent task. A arranging greatly diminishes delays in monitoring company gain ground An explanation due trunk to specify.II- Purpose and Description The company needs to develop their transaction bringing form, when it comes to their accounts due how they wish they could manage e truly single task a company must do for the sake of their dues business became complicated with large number of works to monitor on sales, collection, reports, and accounts, such problems affected the companys customer service commitments and caused low, productivity and profit levels.The need to increase manpower certainly will affect income and complicate the companys ope symmetryn. The companys need to keep creation info about dealers they must monito r due and overdue accounts and minimize payments delinquencies in order to maintain good customer service and oversight to personal relationship. The delay incurred by the company in processing overdue account in the conventional way affecting accomplishment of other task like concentrating on increase production.Computers nowa years have been around for many decades, exclusively few companies realize what computers are capable of doing the only things they never realize that it tramp answer a lot of things more than saving and opening files. They never know what with it they could develop a system exclusive. With these in mind the company indeed needs a totally reliable computerized Accounts Receivable System in order to facilitate smooth flow of transaction faster that they may ever imagine and capable to performing delicate task.A system gently diminishes delays in monitoring company progress and Accounts Receivable System to specify. III- Objectives The convey begin to pro vide a system affecting the company problem regarding preparation of on Account Receivable, reducing in collectible accounts, which in turn minimize company losses Moreover, it specifically aims to 1. 1 Implement a system that end assistant minimize bad debts or uncollectible accounts considered as losses for the company. 1. 2 Provide a system that will perplex reports in a seasonable manner. . 3 Implement a system that can snap aspiring dealers and helps decision making of initial extension limit. 1. 4 Implement an Accounts Receivable System that can monitor exploiter login for security purpose. IV- Scope and Delimitations The proposed system is concentrated on the account due processing of Andis fashion boutique. It will provide machine-controlled figuring for rebates, penalties, reliances and balances also it will automatically update due dates and overdue, and it can generate reports in a timely manner.The proposed system will non cover the Inventory, Accounts Payabl e, Sales cover, Sales schooling, and Net functional setup for net operative purposes. Chapter 2 Related Studies and literary productions This chapter presents a brief overview of link literature and studies, and reading from electronic elections that were gathered by the re fronter that found relevant of this study. After some development do by the searchers, the undermentioned literature and tie in studies were found related to the study. 2. 1 Related Studies Every business will have an portal on its balance sheet labeled accounts due.This entry is the sum of money owed to the business by individuals or other businesses in harvest-feast for goods or services supplied. On the whole, in the retail sector, the pecuniary transaction is completed at the point of purchase and accounts due are not effectd. There are exceptions to this general rule, of course. However, in the business gentleman it is general to extend doctrine to customers and it is these credit account s that form the basis of the accounts due think shown on the balance sheet for the supplier.Credit terms should be clearly defined so both customer and supplier can figure and comply but it is when these credit terms are exceeded by customers that the accounts receivable turn into bad debts and problems arise. Aging receivables are great consumers of resource. They steal time away from other functions, as telephone calls need to be do and letters written to chase payment. They can destroy the supplying companys credit rating if it becomes unable to meet its own fiscal obligations because of a lack of positive cash flow caused by maturement receivables.The outflank affirmable way to avoid problems with debtors is to have clear credit view as policies in place. Checks need to be made on strength clients before credit is extended and debts need to be chased, politely but resolvedly, before they become bad debts. In many cases these two dewy-eyed actions can minimize the pot ential for bad debt problems. Despite the best efforts of the about rigorous of credit get the hanglers, there will always be the persistent late or nonpayers non payers hem beardown(prenominal)er tactics are needed. This is where a relationship with one of the account receivable collection companies comes in useful. westbound Asset Management offers collection services for both commercial and consumer debts. work with account receivable collection companies is viewed in antithetical ways by different organizations. For some it is the first step in the credit enforcement process. These businesses defer a no-nonsense approach to collections and will send in what are effectively the Big Guns straight away. Others will not go passe-partout collection services until they have exhausted all possibilities of collecting the bang-up debt with their own resources.The services of a debt collection agency are ordinarily required to extract funds from those who have never had any hea ding of paying for the goods and services they have nonplusd. In the cases of a genuine softness to pay, utilizing such tactics tends to be self-defeating and the likelihood of a sure-fire conclusion to such cases is increased if things can remain amicable. There can be reluctance on the part of organizations to call in collection services for a commercial debt as this action usual ends the occupation relationship for good.But, in truth, a non-paying trading relationship really is not worth having. Reputable collection services act in spite of appearance the legal philosophy governing debt collection. They are persistent and determined to retrieve funds for their clients and manage to achieve this whilst leaving their clients reputation intact A connotation of shade control of accounts receivable Quality refers to the accounts receivable into the tincture of the currency that is a manifestation of accounts receivable liquidity.Quality monitoring accounts receivable, accounts receivable are the right company to try the character reference of control, so that their accounts receivable maintained at a reasonable level, which for the enterprises to expand business scale, increase sales and food market share have great facilitating role. Monitoring the quality of the implementation of accounts receivable and establish a sound internal control system that is able to monitor and restrict scientific and effective accounts receivable in all aspects so as to get a line full and timely acquirey of accounts receivable.Quality control of the content of accounts receivable, including credit policy formulation, the occurrence of credit, collections, risk early warning and other. Accounts Receivable Establishment of Quality potency System 1. 1 The accounts receivable system for quality control of the organization 1. 1. 1 Production segment to unendingly carry out product, emulous advantage to produce products on the market for sales divisions to pursue the initiative.In order to build their products a competitive advantage, the production sector in the technical specifications, design, performance, use, etc. to make vigorous efforts to make the companys products over other similar products on the market is more advanced and economy, so as to better to meet customer needs. 1. 1. 2 Sales General sales to go done to accept customer orders for credit approval of credit, harmonize to sales of single-supply, tally to sales of a single shipment of goods to the customer billing record to accept customer orders, recording sales and recovery of such processes.The one hand, sales to the corporate credit department to promise that a reasonable solutions to meet customer demand, the other hand, the internal mind mechanism should be established to change the past, a single rating method, so that recovery of accounts receivable as sales assessment is an historic indicator, so that to complete the sale of receivables and personal income tied up , and personal income-related, strengthen, awareness. 1. 1. 3 Credit departmentCredit wariness department sales department and finance department of the bridge, its basic functions include the establishment of customer credit files, managing customer credit, conductanalysis, customers credit limit, the implementation of accounts receivable supervision. 1. 1. 4 Financial sector is mainly responsible for the daily management of accounts receivable, accounts receivable ledger by customer set up, establish accounts receivable on a regular basis reporting system to form a regular basis with the occasional reconciliation system.Finance Department to change after the account of the situation, change from passive to active, full play to their accounting and oversight functions and accountants should strengthen vocational study to understand the operation of the enterprise business processes. The management of the company set the appropriate service control points. department should take th e initiative to communicate with the business sector, an hi-fi picture of the situation and then carry out the accounting and ensure accounts are, for the accounts receivable management. 1. . 5 audit department Audit departments in the accounts receivable management, the supervisory role is mainly reflected in two aspects first is to continuously improve the monitoring system to improve the accounts receivable control system the second is to meet the accounts receivable monitoring implementation of the system to check whether the abnormal phenomenon of accounts receivable, with or without a significant error, negligence, internal fraud, intentionally fails to recover the accounts and so on, to ensure the recovery of accounts receivable. . 2 The accounts receivable system of quality control methods 2. 2. 1 Quantitative Methods Primarily used for quality control of accounts receivable. These indicators include solvency indicators, operational capacity indicators, profitability indic ators, cash flow targets. The use of these indicators, companies can monitor thesituation, to understand and monitor the quality of accounts receivable. 2. 2. 2 Non- vicenary methods Accounts receivable of non-quantitative method of quality control is mainly the work of law PDCA rung.PDCA cycle in accordance withmethods of the overall management of accounts receivable should be controlled in advance (Plan), to control the things (Do), after the control (Check) and feedback control (Action) 4 associate to dynamically conduct accounts receivable management, and comprehensively improve the quality of accounts receivable management. 2. 2 Related Literature The following section present the different studies and actual application related to the research project be conducted by the researchers.Various innovations have been in existence, all for getting along with the trends of new-made technology as a viable means to increase profit and to improve customer service. 2. 2. 1 Foreign s tudies Accounts Receivable System published 2010. 03. 04 As the central pecuniary receivable system for the campus, Billing and Accounts Receivable (BAR) is visible(prenominal) to all departments that have accounts in the UCLA accounting system. (BAR)Billing and Accounts Receivable allows campus departments to post campaigns for services or trade in provided to both learner and non- pupil customers.All charges and related payments are recorded in the BAR system, and BAR performs the accounting for all transactions utilise the accrual accounting method. Payments are applied to tumble-down fees and collection cost charges first, then to the oldest unpaid charge. Student BAR Bills Students receive a monthly BAR bill, which is a statement of account that provides charge and payment incidents posted to their account during the prior month.Charges include the quarterly registration fee assessments and confused other charges such as instructional Enhancement Initiative (IEI) fee s, residence hall telephone usage, College Library instructional Computing Commons (CLICC) charges, and Student Health charges among others. Student statements are presented electronically as a bill online through and through the University Records System Access (URSA). In addition to fees, BAR reflects credits posted to a scholarly persons account, such as financial aid, waivers, and cash, credit card payments. Non-Student BAR BillsNon-students receive a stem throwaway each month. The BAR invoice provides charge and payment detail posted to their account during the prior month. Charges represent services rendered or merchandise provided on credit. BAR does not provide non-students with an electronic version of the invoice Performance military rating and ratio analysis of Pharmaceutical Company in Bangladesh University essay from Hogskolan Vast/Institutionen for ekonomi och informatik Hogskolan Vast/Institutionen for ekonomi och informatik Author Hossan Faruk, Ahsan Habib 2010T he thesis applies performance evaluation of pharmaceutic company in Bangladesh. It means evaluate how well the company performs. The main aim is achieved through ratio analysis of two pharmaceutic (Beximco and Square pharmaceutical) companies in Bangladesh. The main data collection from the annual financial reports on Beximco and square pharmaceutical companies in 2007 to 2008. Different financial ratio are evaluated such liquidity ratios, asset management ratios, profitability ratios, market value ratios, debt management ratios and finally measure the best performance betwixt two companies.The mathematical calculation was establish for ratio analysis among two companies from 2007-2008. It is most important factors for performance evaluation. The graphical analysis and comparisons are applies between two companies for measurement of all types of financial ratio analysis. liquid ratio is conveying the ability to repay short-term creditors and it total cash. It determines perform o f short term creditor of both pharmaceutical companies under the three categories such as current ratio, quick ratio and cash ratio.Asset management ratio is measurement how to effectively a company to use and controls its assets. Its also quantify into seven categories for both pharmaceutical companies such as account receivable swage, average collection period, inventory turnover, account collectible turnover ,account due turnover in days ,fixed asset turnover ,total asset turnover. Profitability ratio is evaluate how well a company is performing by analyzing and how profit was earned relative to sales, total assets and net worth for both pharmaceutical companies.Debt coverage ratio is performing that the seat insufficient to collect their mortgage for both companies and market value is perform the stockholder to analysis their future market value of the stock market. overall analyses are measurement the best one between Beximco and Square pharmaceutical companies. Relationsh ip between the profitability and working(a) capital policy of Swedish companies University essay from Umea universitet/Handelshogskolan vid Umea universitet Umea universitet/Handelshogskolan vid Umea universitet Author Ali Wajahat, Syed Hammad Ul Hassan 2010Over the years there has been a loose debate on the effect of working capital policy on the profitability. Few researchers argue that working capital is just an idle resource with high cost and low benefit associated with it so, companies should follow zero working capital policy but such a policy is very risky because it reduces the liquidity and it might leads to a default. Other researchers support companies to have a working capital policy because they believe that proper management of components of working capital can balance cost and benefits of the company and it will reduce the risk of default by raising the level of liquidity.Companies can choose among three different types of working capital. aggressive, conservative and moderate but their choice depends on their desire level of liquidity and risk. seekers realize the richness of the topic and lot of research has been carried out all over the world especially in developing countries like Pakistan, India, and Taiwan. Despite the immensity of topic we were unable to find any research carried out in Sweden or in any other Scandinavian country.So, this study is conducted with the purpose to search the relationship between working capital policy and profitability of Swedish firms. Furthermore this study also investigates the nature of relationship between working capital policy and component of cash conversion cycle. For the purpose of our study we used the sample of 37 listed companies in the OMX Stockholm stock fill in over the period of five years (2004-2008). The study has been conducted in a natural environment and it follows the explanatory research outline.Moreover it is a quantitative study which follows the deductive approach and it is longitudinal in nature. We used GOP as a measure to profitability and CCC is used as a gauge to measure the aggressiveness of working capital policy. We used the substitute(prenominal) data, which has been extracted from the annual financial reports of the companies, to calculate the GOP, financial debt, firm size, fixed financial asset, component of CCC and CCC. In this study, six regressions were run on 185 observations in SPSS software.In each regression analysis dependent variable (GOP), independent variable firm size, financial debt ratio, and fixed financial asset ratio remains the same but independent variable CCCS, CCCA, CCCD, days inventory held, days account receivable and days account payable replace each other. The reason for this replacement of independent variables is to find out that how CCC and component of CCC affects the GOP. The result of regression analysis shows that managers cant change the level of profitability by adopting any of the working capital policy i. e. there exist no relationship between working capital policy and profitability.Furthermore profitability is directly associated with days inventory held and days account payable but it is in rearward relation with days account receivables. 2. 2. 2 Local studies Notably, student breeding system or baby incurs such application software knowing for educational establishments to manage student data. Student breeding systems provide capabilities for go in student test and other assessment scores, building student schedules, introduce student attendance as well as managing many other student-related data needs inside the institution university.Thus, many of these systems applied in the Philippines can be scaled to different levels of activity and can be configured by their home institutions to meet local needs. Moreover, before universities have created their own bespoke student record systems, but with growing complexity in the business of educational establishments, organizat ions now choose to buy customizable within the shelf software. It can be that, modern student selective information systems are usually server-based, with the application residing on central computer erver and are world accessed by client applications at various places within and even extracurricular the school. During the year 1990s, student information systems have been changing and are fast adopted through the presence of a web medium as a channel for accessing sister without any hassle upon viewing student flesh out and information. Ideally, educational institutions are under constant pressure to face both willingness and capacity to incorporate the latest developments in student information systems along with communications technology supporting various teaching ways.As Liao et al. , (2007) asserts that baby process within such technological sophistication does create precise intimacy edge, that such sis application can be appealing to students and to the academic facul ty as well as the parents. Thus, believe that technology is the repository of the bulk of the information that underpins societys study enterprises and concerns and the medium of communication through which baby interact with one another.Furthermore, sister is transforming educational tactics understandings and school practices in relation to system information and to be able to assist better communication ground through SIS execution, as found within the heart of learning mechanisms (Liao et al. , 2007). SIS as of today is changing what people is learning upon such as with the burgeoning of the Internet, the control exercised in the past by the Philippines from various departments of education and by individual teachers over pedagogical content may have fall significantly. by this new informative medium, resources of varying quality and provenance on virtually diverse subject matter are now available to the students. The amount of material available from unaccredited sources is cause of considerable concern to many educators, brought up them into a more integrated student information system such as those found and applied in the University of the Philippines as well as those within the grounds of Ateneo Integrated school wherein SIS processes of were truly understood and realized by the institutions education system.Even within academic disciplines there has already been a shift in the importance accorded to the traditional forms of published knowledge, refereed and refined through well accepted but often painfully attenuated process. In such cases there has been style towards the more rapid electronic dissemination of findings and opinions albeit in a slight polished form, depending more on the judgment of the individual reader han on the processes of SIS effectiveness as implied for validation and verification of student resources (Fyffe and Walter, 2005) The strong implication for education is that skills in effective online searching should occupy m ore value and more important place within the education political platform at all levels wherein the adaptation of SIS is most valued for academia effectiveness.From the perspective of the individual student, SIS incorporates enormously increased potential for representing and manipulating information in range of structured education paradigms and strategic study forms as appropriate for a justifiable application of diverse learning styles. Furthermore, the student information systems do provides greater range of ways through which learners can express their knowledge, including the publication of multimedia presentations to the world at large through the Internet.Aside, some of the information system know-how needs that certain students must get by with inclusion to discovering how to complete comprehensive reviews of the such research studies, learning how to evaluate sources within the context of their projects, and properly citing and including these sources within their thes es or dissertations (Perrett, 2004).Then, because the SIS process is typically completed early into students school career and encapsulates each of the facets of knowledge built up and literacy value, including learning what type of SIS is available, finding and accessing system sequence, evaluating tools for the information and then synthesizing the student information system into certain end product for a better career patterns as it seemed like the prototype project to focus SIS and relate it to ample literacy instruction around. time the students had all performed database searches before, they were less likely to have taken advantage of the search management tools available to them through educational databases, how to set up automatic searches to help streamline the research process (Fyffe and Walter, 2005). Like for example, there discusses the benefits of using such bibliographic management software system in order to help illustrate more sophisticated ways of organizing th eir research.Before the students came to the workshop, they were asked them to fill out brief pre-assessment surveys designed to provide acceptable profile details including their year in school, whether or not they were pursuing their college degree and possible departmental affiliation. Thus, pointing towards SIS within the knowledge of education services as utilized that include databases used and whether or not students were familiar with syllabus software packages (Perrett, 2004).Truly, it is crucial for the advancement of informative research within be disciplines and the continued successful integration of SIS as applied in the Philippine setting with resources to higher education systems determining that certain meeting of students can acquire and gain effective knowledge literacy skills through the SIS process and understanding the value of education services crafted to provide best teachings as possible (Belle and Boote, 2004).Then, for SIS assumption, there is a need t o engage students with academic assessment such as upon helping students start persuasion about what they would like to learn with regards to a better research investigating and knowing what the gaps in students understanding might be.Also, encourage the use of SIS in parallel to active learning style which allows students to interact with their classmates and does help the instructor facilitate an enhanced learning develop through SIS application mode and to finally emphasize the value of making student information connection with a subject teacher for instance accommodate upon for in-depth education success (Ewald, 2006). (2001) pointed out that the Philippines employed a unique strategy in carrying out the work in audiovisual (AV) archiving.In the absence seizure of an operational AV accounts in the country, most of the activities of institutions with AV archive holdings such as the Philippine Information Agency, the UP video Center, the heathenish Center of the Philippines , Mowelfund, etc. , are in eggly being coordinated by a professional body composed of archivists working in the different institutions involved in archiving. It should be noted though that during the early 1980s, the Philippines had a field film archive that was fully operational in the real sense of the word.After the 1986 Edsa Revolution, the archive received the least priority and was transferred to the Censors Body. No archiving activity was carried out by this unit since then. The various tasks involved in AV archiving rested on the shoulders of related agencies, not by their own chose but by necessity required of their work. AV archiving activities were separately being undertaken. The turning point came when the heathenish Center of the Philippines, which wanted to organize a Lino Brocka Retrospective, discovered that many of the Brocka films, particularly those hat were significant, were already destroyed. rough of the surviving prints were brought to the Philippine Infor mation Agency for restoration. With no previous experience on cases of this nature, PIA had to turn to other agencies for materials that could be used as reference for the work. The UP Film Center, with its contacts with international organizations and as a receiver of several fellowship awards from UNESCO, provided PIA a copy of the International union of Film Archives (FIAF) Manual.This was the first inter-institutional contact in the country that proven to be significant as it eventually led to a formal partnership among the archivists from these institutions in what was to become later as the Society of Film Archivists (SOFIA). The Society of Film Archivists (SOFIA) was officially organized in July, 1993 out of need and in compliance with the recommendation of the ASEAN Planning Workshop Meeting on Film Retrieval, Restoration and Archiving, which the Philippines organized in February, 1996.SOFIAs membership is made up of individual AV archivists working in cultural organizati ons, information agencies, broadcasting and academic institutions, film production companies, and film critics. The role of SOFIA in the development of the AV archiving profession in the country is one that has been evolving over time. At the beginning, SOFIA served as a venue for exchanging knowledge and skills. As such, the kinds of projects undertaken during this coif were mostly training programs.Later, SOFIA became an informal coordinating body for activities undertaken by the different institutions involved in archiving. These projects were implemented by institutions as part of their in-house programs and according to what these institutions can do best. This enabled the different institutions to avoid duplication of efforts and therefore salvage on scarce national resources. Presently, SOFIAs role has evolved into that of a ring and an advocate for the setting up of a central body that would formally be recognized by the government and supported by the public sector.The e ffectiveness of this model in the Philippines could be better appreciated in the context of the prevailing situation operating at the time SOFIA was innate(p) and the commitment of the members to pursue the work. Prevailing conditions that were considered important that helped bring about the results were the following a) a clear vision of what was needed. These involved knowing where we were, where we want to go and how to get there b) the emergence of a SteeringGroup at the initial stage. This role was assumed by the Philippine Information Agency. Through its work requirement and involvement in ASEAN, PIA initiated projects on the national and regional levels that brought critical agencies together, place local partners such as the Cultural Center of the Philippines, the UP Film Center, etc. , to assist in implementing the program, and fall upon succeeding steps to build on previous accomplishments c) empowerment of the identified partners.This involved getting the partners comm itted to assume the responsibility of carrying out the work when the agencies involved in AV archiving decided to bond together through SOFIA and initiated and sustained programs and projects for AV archiving as a group or one by one in coordination with each other, empowerment of the identified partners had set in and d) employ of advocacy techniques that were found effective.Apart from the traditional tools for promotion such as the media, SOFIA used techniques such as requesting the President of the Republic of the Philippines to issue an executive order declaring a week in a year as AV Archiving Week, among others. Organizing international conferences also helped generate interest on the issues. Chapter 3 Methods of Research oing this research is kind of like being a treasure-hunter, researching out clues here and there that finally leads to the treasure the needed to information. This chapter presents the different research methods, which will be use to design and develop the system. The nature of the research problem and the purpose of the study help determine the research methods to be used. It shows the different data gathering techniques to supplement the research methods. 3. 1 Research MethodThe research methods that could be used in developing the Account Receivable and Dealer Information System may vary from one study to another because of the integration of hardware materials and programming skills. To achieve the coveted and necessary output, research models and methods must carefully design. This helps conceive and practically analyze how the project will look like. In some aspects, combination of various methods could be made in order to grasp the purpose of the study. 3. 1. 1 Descripted Method