
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Art Midterm Essays - Arts, Composer, Gargoyle, Baroque Architecture

Art Midterm Essays - Arts, Composer, Gargoyle, Baroque Architecture Art Midterm Organization: Northeastern University Subject: art midterm Art Music and Drama midterm MUS 1109 fall 1996 1:Fundamentals in music P_____________ R_____________ M_____________ 2:Middle ages Plainchant means________ in music. What materials did stone carvers use?___________ What purposes did gargoyles have?____________ 3:The renaissance means___________ The technical advances in art were: They are P___________ and C_________ Did michealangelo invent the telescope__________ tapestries were used as what purpose________ 4:BAROUQE If a pearl was baroque how did that metaphor get translated into the art? Three important composers were H_________ B___________ V_____________ 5:Embellishments were necessary because the instruments from this period were delicate and keep the sound alive composers added them TRUE or FALSE 6:Dutch paints emphasized different values from their Italian counterparts. This was due to a change in religious mores TRUE or FALSE

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Literary Analysis Of The Scarlet Letter Essays - Free Essays

Literary Analysis Of The Scarlet Letter Essays - Free Essays Literary Analysis of The Scarlet Letter In chapter 20 of Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter, Hester and Dimmesdale plan to leave the colony on the fourth day en route for the Old World. Dimmesdale's decision to leave with Hester fills him with a sense of freedom from his place of torture, Boston. By creating false hopes for the future, he relinquishes his suffering from his guilt conscience. When Dimmesdale returns from the forest, he is not sure that the recent event with Hester and Pearl was really true. But seeing and Hester and Pearl revives his dreams of a better future together. Their meeting has changed him; he sees everything differently. Suddenly he feels the freedom to do things that he might have done before. He meets several people along the way home in which he has impulses to do wick and evil things. The first person he meets is the one of the oldest Deacons of his congregation. He is tempted to say evil things about the Communion Supper, one of the most scared of Puritan churches. Dimmesdale continues onward and meets the eldest female member of his church. He again is tempted to tell her an unanswerable argument against the immortality of the human soul. The next person he meets is the youngest female member of his parish. He has to restrain himself from whispering wick and evil things that might mislead her. Next, he meets a group of young Puritan children. He must stop himself from teaching them "evil words." He walks onward and meets a "drunken seamen" from the ship on which he will sail. He wants greets the sailor and preach to him. He again restrains himself. The last person he meets is Mistress Hibbins. She wants know if he had been with the "Black Man" in the forest. Dimmesdale responds to her that he was with his friend, Apostle Eliot. Hibbins does not believe him. Dimmesdale arrives home and realizes his house looks strange and different. Moments later, Chillingsworth arrives at his door asking about his health. The minister informs the physician that he no longer needs his medical drugs. His tone of voice tells the old man that he no longer a "trusted friend" but how his "bitterest enemy." After Chillingsworth leaves, Dimmesdale composes an inspired sermon for the Election Sermon. Dimmesdale's wick and unusual actions comes from the sense of freedom he believes he has. His views of his surroundings are different because he believes he is different. He feels that since he is has broken some many laws, that it is his obligation to continue to be evil. And evil he became. English III Honors

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Speaker responce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Speaker responce - Essay Example Some choice of words does not make particular insight particularly for the goods. Example the insight can be about milk and related foods on particular chosen goods. This can real be challenging in that the milk is of particularly used by all the consumers of that good hence this choice may lead to lose of customers. The mention of milk may actually change a particular behavior of the consumer simply because of the natural dislike of the milk by the individual due to social background and believes (Johanna 26). Time is also an important factor on a particular presentation. Time here refers to the period that the product is presented to the potential customers. This actually depends on the demand not necessarily considering the supply chain of the product. Presenting a highly demanded good in the market does not necessarily mean the quality of the product is not up to date but simply means that the product is not required due to the fall in demand due to factors such as climatic change, change of population and probably the time factor that is the actual determinant (Johanna 21). In a presentation, the audience needs to be understood properly. The audience will choose to listen to the presentation depending on the relevance of the topic being presented to them via the speaker. Lack of proper choice of the topic will make the audience get bored and hence the aim and the objective of the theme may not be met. This can be termed as waste of time and resources on that particular presentation (Johanna 20). Insight is actually a broad term that refers to a penetrating observation of consumer behaviour that can be used to determine the growth and development on the insightful meaning of product or service being rendered to the person. The minutes spend talking on the negative insight means loss of energy that could be used to do a more benefiting task that the particular one that has been already done (Johanna 61). A presentation does not require

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Information and knowledge management for managers Term Paper

Information and knowledge management for managers - Term Paper Example Goals and Objectives The organization aims to provide high quality solutions at the most cost effective prices for its clients, so that it establishes a distinct image in the market. Type and Range of Products Initially, Web Windows specialized in print advertising and radio advertising, but now, it has diversified into online advertising also. Web Windows specializes in display as well as social media. Knowledge Management Vision The clients have the option to choose for advertising in specific sectors such as radio, social media or display or decide for a combination of marketing mix to reach their advertising goals. At present, there are several clients who opt for an advertising mix that spans across various mediums and there are some other clients who are keen on focusing on one particular avenue. Each of the client accounts are assigned to an account management team who work very closely with the clients are deliver what they require. This team consists of various experts in di fferent avenues such as print advertising expert and online advertising experts. The team also has industry analysts who played a key role in providing market and industry inputs to the team. Apart from advertising experts, each account management team also has Client relationship managers who deal directly with the clients and serve as point of contacts. Therefore, it is clear that the organization operates at multiple levels because numerous roles and experts have to come together to meet a common goal. The knowledge is highly tacit in nature because of the dynamic set up of the advertising industry. With attrition as well as internal transfers, effective knowledge transfer, including transfer of tacit knowledge becomes really important. [THIS PARA... Across industry, the level of competition has become very high during the past decade. This has increased the importance of effective knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer. As organizations have moved ahead to bring about a system that is effective, they have unearthed some processes that are barriers from being knowledge management effective (McDermott and O'Dell, 2001). These factors are mostly unique to particular organizations, but some of the most common factors are inadequacy of organizational structures, cultures that do not encourage information sharing, denominational segregation, lack of proper framework and so on (Riege, 2005). Additionally, it is also important to consider whether employees are motivated enough to share the information or not (Groff and Jones, 2003).   There are different schools of thought that center around knowledge transfer. The techno-centric school of thought primarily focuses on how knowledge related to technology is transferred where as the o rganizational school of thought focuses more on how an entire organization can adapt to knowledge transfer (Hislop, 2003). Ecological school of thought has a high focus on understanding how people interact, and how knowledge transfer is in fact a complex adaptive system (Jashapara, 2003).The concept of knowledge transfer or information management itself is not very new in many organizations. In most instances, this information transfer happens only in cases of explicit knowledge. For example, an employee passing.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Implementation and Challenges of Lean Concept in Human resources Essay Example for Free

Implementation and Challenges of Lean Concept in Human resources Essay Going lean is the talk of the season. Almost all the big organizations are adopting lean practices; not only manufacturing but management. In this write-up I am going to discuss how HR as an organization’s function can help in lean transformation. A critically important issue in lean success, just now coming into clear view, is the relationship between the human resources (HR) function and lean transformation. It turns out that the HR function, even at its best, is often considered as only a passive supporter of lean transformation. At its worst, it is said to be a barrier to progress. There are two facets to the relationship between lean and HR. First, it is self-evident that the HR function—just like any other department in a company—needs to apply lean practices and principles toward process improvement in its own work. Second, the HR function needs to actively support and enforce lean transformation throughout the company. The HR function, by virtue of its interactions with virtually every part of a company, is actually in an ideal position to be a powerful ally in lean transformation, IF lean leaders make the effort to enlist its aid. Here we are discussing how HR makes a significant contribution to lean success with active support in several key areas. What is Lean (concept) Lean principles come from the Japanese manufacturing industry. The term was first coined by John Krafcik. From its inception Lean was considered as manufacturing tool but today lean has evolved from just a tool to a philosophy of success. The core idea of Lean philosophy is to maximize customer value while minimizing waste. Simply, lean means creating more value for customers with fewer resources. A lean organization understands customer value and focuses its key processes to continuously increase it. The ultimate goal is to provide perfect value to the customer through a perfect value creation process that has zero waste. To accomplish this, lean thinking changes the focus of management from optimizing separate technologies, assets, and vertical departments to optimizing the flow of products and services through entire value streams that flow horizontally across technologies, assets, and departments to customers. Eliminating waste along entire value streams, instead of at isolated points, creates processes that need less human effort, less space, less capital, and less time to make products and services at far less costs and with much fewer defects, compared with traditional business systems. Companies are able to respond to changing customer desires with high variety, high quality, low cost, and with very fast throughput times. Also, information management becomes much simpler and more accurate. Lean for production and services A popular misconception is that lean is suited only for manufacturing. Not true. Lean applies in every business and every process. It is not a tactic or a cost reduction program, but a way of thinking and acting for an entire organization. Businesses in all industries and services, including healthcare and governments, are using lean principles as the way they think and do. Many organizations choose not to use the word lean, but to label what they do as their own system, such as the Toyota Production System or the Danaher Business System. Why? To drive home the point that lean is not a program or short term cost reduction program, but the way the company operates. The word transformation or lean transformation is often used to characterize a company moving from an old way of thinking to lean thinking. It requires a complete transformation on how a company conducts business. This takes a long-term perspective and perseverance. The term lean was coined to describe Toyotas business during the late 1980s by a research team headed by Jim Womack. Lean Thinking Lean transformations think about three fundamental business issues that should guide the transformation of the entire organization: Purpose: What customer problems will the enterprise solve to achieve its own purpose of prospering? Process: How will the organization assess each major value stream to make sure each step is valuable, capable, available, adequate, flexible, and that all the steps are linked by flow, pull, and leveling? People: How can the organization insure that every important process has someone responsible for continually evaluating that value stream in terms of business purpose and lean process? How can everyone touching the value stream be actively engaged in operating it correctly and continually improving it? Just as a carpenter needs a vision of what to build in order to get the full benefit of a hammer, Lean Thinkers need a vision before picking up lean tools, said Womack. Thinking deeply about purpose, process, people is the key to doing this.

Friday, November 15, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird: Prejudice In Maycomb :: essays research papers

To Kill A Mockingbird: Prejudice in Maycomb Two major people in To Kill A Mockingbird are prejudged; Boo Radley and Tom Robinson. One man is the victim of prejudice; Atticus Finch. These men are mockingbirds. For a mockingbird has never hurt anyone, and neither has Atticus Finch, Boo Radley, nor Tom Robinson. . Boo Radley is prejudged because he chooses to stay in his domicile. While Tom Robinson is prejudged because of his color. Atticus Finch becomes a victim of prejudice due to his valiancy to help a innocent black man; Tom Robinson. Boo Radley and Tom Robinson and prejudged; but because prejudice is so inclusive, even those who help the â€Å" mockingbirds†, Atticus, become victims of prejudice. Maycomb people gossip about Boo Radley because he chooses to stay in his house, while Tom Robinson is stereotyped by Maycomb because of his skin color. Rumors are spread about these men because most of Maycomb is guilty of prejudice. Boo Radley is generally gossiped about by Miss Stephanie Crawford. Miss Stephanie recounts to Jem about rumors spread about Boo Radley. â€Å"So Jem received much of his information from Miss Stephanie Crawford...†( Lee, TKAM 11 ). Miss Stephanie explains a erroneous rumor about Boo. â€Å"As Mr. Radley passes by, Boo drove the scissors into his parent's leg...† ( 11 ). Tom Robinson is prejudged by many people, some include: Scout, Mr. Gilmer, and Bob Ewell. For example, when Scout says, â€Å"Well, Dill, after all he's just a Negro† (199). Maycomb people are the sin of all prejudice in Maycomb. Boo Radley and Tom Robinson are mockingbirds. Both of these men are victims of prejudice. To take advantage of these men would be a sin, just as it would to kill a mockingbird. â€Å"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy...that's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird (90).† Tom Robinson is taken advantage of by the Ewell family. Tom had nothing against anybody, especially the Ewells'. He would help Mayella with her chores, and the part of it that made him a mockingbird, is that he did not want anything in return. â€Å" Were u paid for these services...No suh, not after she offered to give me a nickel the first time (191).† What makes Boo Radley a mockingbird is that he has never really never hurt anybody, he minds his own business while watching over his children. The Ewell family and many other people in Maycomb have sinned, distinctively Bob Ewell, because they took advantage and prejudged to innocent men; Tom Robinson and Boo Radley. People who help the mockingbirds also become victims of prejudice.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Integrated research Essay

Introduction A family comprises of mother, father, children, grandparents and others united together by blood or adoption. A family results from a marriage. Family structures are built through marriage and that is why it is said that proper marriages lead to proper families . The family functions that are outlined in marriage settings are almost similar and that the challenges that are experienced in the marriage are those challenges that will eventually impact negatively on the family. This research will outline various challenges that marriage as a practical identity possesses and their eventual implications in the family. Marriage Marriage can be defined as the interpersonal relationship between most commonly a man and woman who are united legally via social, religious are or governmental recognition. There are different types of marriages; †¢ Arranged marriages-this is where marriage partners are chosen by the society e. g. monarchies †¢ Boston marriage-marriage between two partners not necessarily for sex e. g. between two women. †¢ Common-law marriage- involves a class of interpersonal status where people united by a common believe on marriage law marry on that basis †¢ Digital marriage-a kind of marriage where two people with no connection in their ‘gaming’ lives come together within a virtual community and declare that they are married †¢ Covenant marriage- in this case two people come together as partners in union and make a long life commitment for the marriage. Divorce is made more difficult here. In some jurisdictions, the legal concept of marriage has been recently expanded to emerging social beliefs such as same sex marriages. Marriages are considered part and parcel human stage of life and most people believe that at one point in their lives they should get married. People marry for different reasons ranging from; to achieve social and economic stability, to have and nurture children, to form a family unit and finally to legitimize sexual relations. Marriage is considered the main factor and the pillar of a family. Better families result from better marriages as the people involved are given enough guidance to form the next generation of the family. The persons in the family learn good values and teachings from their parents hence this will ensure that any subsequent marriages are strong and stable. Contemporary critics also suggest that modern marriages have become extremely very disadvantageous for women. When it comes to economic or social considerations, women do not compare with women. Contrastingly, the continued bias towards women will mean that in the near future, mean will be on the other side of the fence-where women were in the last century. This is evident from the fact that modern policies and divorce laws have been specifically designed to protect women. However, with the emergence of same sex rights, the situation will be more complicated due to the legal prohibitions and social taboos that deny the practices full recognition. Loss Loss of one of the marriage partner leads to termination of the marriage . Loss may result form death, divorce or any other factor that will mean that one of them is left alone. This is usually disastrous for the family setting where one parent or spouse is left alone to meet all the family requirements, in a case where the children still young and need to be taken care in terms of education provision, health, love, shelter etc. Grief usually results from loss and it is very various legal systems and societal family arrangements offer different legal directions and guidance on handling properties (finances, assets etc. ) developed by the couple incase one dies or incase of a divorce. Some cultures believe that both the wife and the husband are entitled to equal property rights. Other societies also prohibit children especially the girls from inheriting the family’s assets including land. A widow may also lose family property if she decides to remarry. Partners in a marriage are jointly responsible and liable for the debts of the marriage practice and therefore if there is any misunderstanding on the responsibility of the same, then, it might be solved on an individual basis. The era of the myth ‘doctrine of necessities’ where the husband remains the sole provider for the family is gone. Today, all partners in the marriage share responsibilities equally depending on the income generation level of each.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Performance Rating Written Report

For example, If the benchmark of dealing 52 cards In 0. 0 minutes Is established, a complete and specific description should be given of the distance of the four hands alt with respect to the dealer, as well as the technique of grasping, moving and disposing of the cards. The benchmark example should be supplemented by a clear description of the characteristics of an employee carrying out a normal performance. A representative description of such an employee might be as follows: a worker who Is adapted to the work and has attained sufficient experience to perform the Job In efficient manner, with little or no supervision.The worker possesses coordinated mental and physical qualities, enabling him or her to proceed from one element to another without hesitation or delay, In accordance with the principles of motion economy. The worker maintains a good level of efficiency through knowledge and proper use of all tools and equipment related to the Job. He or she cooperates and performs at a pace best suited for continuous performance.However, Individual differences between workers still exist Differences in inherent knowledge, physical capacity, health, trade knowledge, physical dexterity, and training can cause one operator to outperform another consistently and progressively. Sound rating characteristics The first and most Important characteristic of any rating system Is ACCURACY. Perfect consistency in rating is impossible. The rating plan with variations greater than Ð’Â ± 5 percent should either be improved or replaced. Time study analysts who to conduct such studies.It is not difficult to correct the rating habits of an analyst who consistently rates high or consistently low. But it is very difficult to correct the rating ability of an analyst who is inconsistent, rating too high today and too low tomorrow. Inconsistency, more than anything else, destroys the operator's confidence in the time study procedure. A rating system that is simple, concise, easily explained, and keyed to well-established benchmarks is more successful than a complex rating system requiring involved adjustment factors and computational techniques that may confuse the average shop employee.Workstation rating Performance rating should only be done during the observation of elemental times. As the operator progresses from one element to the next, using the prescribed method, analyst should carefully evaluate speed, dexterity, false moves, rhythm, coordination, effectiveness, and the other factors influencing output. Once the performance has been Judged and recorded, it should not be changed. However, this does not imply that the observer always has perfect Judgment. If the rating is questioned, the Job or operation should be restudied to prove or disprove the recorded evaluation.Immediately after completing the study and recording the final performance factor if overall rating even elemental rating was used, the analyst can approximate the operator's performance. This gives the operator an opportunity to express his or her opinion about the fairness of the performance factor, and to give his opinion directly to the person responsible for its development. Rating elements versus Overall study On short-cycle repetitive operations, little deviation in operator performance is realized during the course of the average-length study (1 5 to 30 minutes).In such cases, it is perfectly satisfactory to evaluate the performance of the entire study and record the rating factor for each element. Remember power-fed or machine- controlled elements are rated normal, or 100, as their speed cannot be changed at will by the operators. In short-cycle studies, an observer who endeavors to reference rate each element in the study will be so busy recording values that he or she will be unable to effectively observe, analyze, and evaluate the operator's performance.When the study is relatively long (over 30 minutes) or is made up of several long elements, operator p erformance may vary during the course of the study. They can consistently and accurately rate elements longer than 0. 10 minute as they occur. If a study is comprised off series of elements shorter than 0. 10 minute, then no effort should be made to evaluate each element of each cycle of the study, as time does not permit such action. It is satisfactory to rate the overall time of each cycle or a group of cycles.RATING METHODS Speed rating – Is a performance evaluation method that only considers the rate of accomplishment of the work per unit time. In this method, the observer measures the effectiveness of the operator against the concept of a qualified operator doing the same work, and then assigns a percentage to indicate the ratio of the observed performance to performance determine whether it is above or below normal. 100 percent is usually considered normal.A rating of 110 percent indicates that the operator was reforming at a speed 10 percent greater than normal, and a rating of 90 percent would mean that the operator was performing at a speed 90 percent normal. Two tasks were suggested by Preserve (1957) to develop an initial mental model ; (1) walking 3 miles per hour (4. Km/her), that is, 100 feet (30. 5 m) in 0. 38 minutes and (2) dealing a deck of 52 cards into four equal piles closely spaced In one half minute. Time study analysts use speed rating for elemental, cycle, or overall rating.The Westinghouse system One of the oldest used rating system was developed by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Then termed leveling, it is outlined in detail in Lowry, Maynard, and Estrangement. This method considers four (4) factors in evaluating the performance of the operator: 1. Skill Lowry defines skill as † proficiency at following a given method,† and further relates it to expertise, as demonstrated by a proper coordination of mind and hands. A person's skill in a given operation increases over time, because increased familiarity with the work brings speed, smoothness of motions, and freedom from hesitations and false moves.The Westinghouse rating system lists these six degrees or lasses that represent an acceptable proficiency for evaluation: Poor, fair, average, good, excellent, and super. 2. Effort This rating method defines effort as a â€Å"demonstration of the will to work effectively. † Effort is representative of the speed with which skill is applied, and can be controlled to a high degree by the operator. The six effort classes for rating purposes are: Poor, fair, average, good, excellent, and excessive 3. Conditions In this performance rating procedure affect the operator and not the operation.Time study analyst rate conditions as normal or average in more than a majority of instances, as conditions are evaluated in comparison with the way they are customarily found at the workstation. Elements affecting working conditions include temperature, ventilation, light and noise. The six general classe s of conditions, with values ranging from +6 percent to -7 percent, are ideal, excellent good, average, fair, and poor. 4. Consistency Elemental time values that constantly repeat would have perfectly consistency.This situation occurs very frequently, as there always tends to be dispersion due to the and effort, erroneous watch readings, and foreign elements. The six classes f consistency are perfect, excellent, good, average, fair and poor. Perfect consistency is rated +4 percent and poor consistency is rated -4 percent. Once the skill, effort, conditions and consistency of the operation have been assigned, and their equivalent numerical values established. For example, if a given Job is rated CA on skill.CLC on effort, D on conditions and E on consistency, the performance factor would be as follows; The Westinghouse rating system demands considerable training to differentiate the levels of each attribute. The procedure generally followed is; 1 . A film is shown and he operation ex plained. 2. The film or tape is reshow and rated. 3. The individual ratings are compared and discussed. 4. The film or tape is reshow and the attributes are pointed out and explained. 5. Step 4 is repeated as often as necessary to reach understanding and agreement.Synthetic rating Morrow (1946) established a procedure known as synthetic rating. This procedure determines a performance factor for representative effort elements of the work cycle by comparing actual elemental observed times to times developed through fundamental motion data. The performance factor may be expressed algebraically HO Where; P= performance or rating factor. Fundamental motion time. 0= observed mean elemental time for the elements used in F. Objective Rating Developed by Mendel and Dander (1994), eliminates the difficulty of establishing a normal speed criterion for every type of work.This procedure establishes a single work assignment to which the pace of all other Jobs is compared. After the Judgment of pa ce, a secondary factor assigned to the Job indicates its relative difficulty. Factors (1) Amount of body used, (2) Foot pedals, (3) Femaleness, (4) Eye-hand coordination, (5) Handling or sensory requirements, and 6) Weight handled or resistance encountered. The rating (R) can thus be expressed as follows: where: P= Pace rating factor. Difficulty adjustment factor. Rating Application R=PIX job The value of a rating is written in the R column of the time study form.After the stopwatch phase is complete, the analyst multiplies the observed time (OR) by rating (R), scaled by 100, to yield the normal time (NT). RATING ANALYSIS TO X 100 Four criteria determine whether or not time study analyst using speed rating can consistently establish values within 5 percent of the rating average calculated by a rope of trained analyst. These are: 1. Experience in the class of work performed. 2. Use of synthetic benchmarks on at least two of the elements performed. 3.Selection of an operator who gives performances somewhere between 85 and 115 percent of standard pace. 4. Use of the mean value of three or more independent studies and/or different operators. To assure speed rating consistency, both with their own rates and with the rates established by the others, analyst should continually participate in organized training programs. One of the most widely used training methods is the observation of audiotapes or motion-picture films illustrating diverse operations performed at different productivity levels.Figure 10-3. A straight LINE indicates perfection, whereas high-irregularities on both sides of the line indicate inconsistency, as well as an ability to evaluate performance. The analyst rated the first film 75, but the correct rating was 55. The second was rated 80, while the proper rating was 70. In all but the first case, the analyst was within the company's established area of correct rating. Note, that due to the nature of confidence intervals, the Ð’Â ±5 percent accu racy criterion is valid only around 100 recent or standard performance.When performance is below 70 percent of standard or above 130 percent of standard, an experienced time study analyst would expect an error much larger than 5 percent. The closer the time study analyst's rating comes to the x-axis, the more correct he/she is. To determine quantitatively an analyst's ability to rate performance, compute the percentage of the analyst's rating contained within specified limits of the known ratings. This can be done as follows: 1 . Compute the mean difference ( CD )between the analyst's rating and the actual rating for n test (n should be at least 15 observations). Compute the standard deviation (SD )of the differences in rating 3. Compute the normal deviate(Z), where; 4. Compute the normal deviate (Z ), where; Z = +5 (or some other figure of accuracy) – CD 5. Compute the area under the normal distribution curve between Ð’Â ±5 (for some figure of accuracy) centered at CD, w hich is assumed to be equal to deed, and Sd which is assumed to be equal to ad Analyst overrated low performance levels and underrated high performance levels. This is typical of novice raters who tend to be conservative raters and afraid to deviate too far from standard performance.In statistical applications, this tendency is termed regression to the mean and result in a relatively flat line compared to the expected line with a slope of one. The novice rater who rates higher than the true value for performance below standard performance produces a loose rate. For performance above the standard, a novice rater who rates lower than the true value produces a tight rate. Straight Speed Rating The performance rating plan that is easiest to apply, easiest to explain and gives the most valid results. Rating Training -To assure speed rating consistency, both with their own rates and with the rates

Friday, November 8, 2019

One party political systems essays

One party political systems essays Political scientists often describe Mexico as a one-party authoritarian state. Power is centralized in the hands of a virtually omnipotent president, who is always the candidate of the dominant or ruling party, which in Mexico is the Institutional Revolutionary Party (Partido Revolucionario Institucional, or PRI). Singapore is a one-party state that declares that it is democratic although when analyzed by political scientists is considered socialist. These parties have many similarities and many differences and this paper will undertake the task of comparing and contrasting the one-party system in both Singapore and Mexico. The controlling political party in Mexico is the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), and it had been the governing political party since 1929. The PRI is divided up into three sectors: labor, agrarian, and popular. This party claims to be the true heir of Mexicos revolutionary tradition, and has worked extremely hard to keep an appearance as a left-wing party. Although the PRI certainly has right-wing and left-wing factions. Until very recently for many Mexicans the PRI, the state, and the government were basically the same thing. From 1929 up until 1988 the candidates of the PRI had won in all presidential, state, and Senate elections, and practically all the representative elections for federal and local congress, including municipalities. Military chieftains and regional bosses who survived the Mexican revolution started the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI); they created the National Revolutionary Party to put an end to two decades of violence and turmoil. Si nce then the PRI and its partisan predecessors have never acknowledged the loss of a presidential election and always controlled both houses of Congress. The machinery of politics at the presidents service, the ruling party and the government officials charged with managing political affairs, often governed effectively, but ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets You Noticed

How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets You Noticed The best resume in the world may not do you any good if you’re missing one critical element: a cover letter. But not just any cover letter will do. As the first impression you’ll make with an employer in today’s extremely competitive job market, an effective cover letter becomes a critical selling point. Here’s what you need to know to write a cover letter than not only gets noticed, but earns a spot atop the pile. More Than a FormalityMany job applicants think of cover letters as obligatory fluff: a meaningless, archaic precursor to the resume. This couldn’t be further from the truth. When crafting your cover letter, think of it not as a necessary evil, but as an opportunity to enhance your resume and engage its readers.Your cover letter sets the tone for everything that follows in the relationship between applicant and potential employer. The underlying theme of the most successful cover letters answers the question, â€Å"Why am I the right cand idate for this job?†Practice Your Matchmaking SkillsSo now you understand why you’re writing a cover letter, but what should it include? The answer is simple: that depends on the job. While a resume may be designed to show off your experience at large, a cover letter has a different intent: to make the case for why a company should hire you.Creating a standard cover letter with a broad overview of your qualifications misses the point. The trick is to match the skills set forth in the job description with your own background and talents. Take a minute to identify specific experiences and achievements which demonstrate how you fulfill the job requirements. These are the bread and butter of your cover letter.Remember, the job application process is ultimately a matchmaking game between you and prospective companies. The best way to make a match? Do your research to gain a better understanding of each company’s needs, goals and values. Today’s retention-minded companies aren’t just looking for candidates who fit the job, but also who fit the overall corporate culture.Doing your research also means getting all of the seemingly small things right - from the title of the position to the contact person’s name and title. This demonstrates both initiative and attention to detail.Beyond KeywordsKeywords matter, but only to a degree. Why? Because anyone can throw words onto a piece of paper.What really matters is using these words to showcase why you’re the right candidate for the position. Include keywords and key phrases, but be sure to link them to your experience and offerings in a meaningful way.While your temptation may be to pack your cover letter with words and phrases lifted directly from the job description, practice restraint. After all, hiring managers see hundreds and thousands of resumes every year and can easily distinguish the generic from the great.Also, keep in mind that your cover letter isn’t mean t to tell the whole story. Rather, it serves as an important introduction to what follows. Include only what truly matters, avoid bragging about unrelated abilities, and keep it to a concise one page. The best cover letters are not so much about showcasing a candidate’s accomplishments, but about identifying a company’s particular need and demonstrating your potential to fill it.In an era in which 13 percent of recent college grads are unemployed, and 44 percent are â€Å"underemployed† - meaning they are overqualified for the jobs they accept - making a standout impression with employers can mean the difference between getting the job of your dreams and ending up as a troubling statistic. While a smart and comprehensive resume is a vital part of landing a job, a well-crafted cover letter is an equally valuable part of the equation.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Why America isn't the greatest country in the world anymore Essay

Why America isn't the greatest country in the world anymore - Essay Example The level of literacy in America has been declining remarkably. Statistics indicate that the education system in the United States is failing. Estimates indicate, â€Å"ninety-three million American adults or about forty-five percent have limited math and writing skills† (Literacy Texas.). The statistics are startling since the low literacy skills can have negative effects on the global image of the United States. In 2003, an assessment pointed out that one adult in a group of three Americans is unable to display reading skills (Literacy Texas). Similarly, a section of the American population has low health literacy. The low health literacy has been pointed as a top predictor and contributor to mortality. In Texas, the literacy programs serve a small number of Americans in need of writing and reading skills. In effect, the declining levels of literacy displace America from the perceived top position on the globe. Thus, it is important to remedy the problem by boosting the lite racy levels. The statistics of infant mortality and life expectancy in the US are startling. The video clip indicates that the US is forty-ninth in infant mortality and hundred and seventy-eighth in infant mortality (Taube). A health report pointed out that Americans have a low life expectancy as compared to other wealthy nations. The short life expectancy is attributable to violence, especially from the people who possess guns. According to the estimates, â€Å"approximately six violent deaths occur in every hundred thousand residents† (Castillo).

Friday, November 1, 2019

Analysis of Breastfeeding Baby Advertisement Essay - 15

Analysis of Breastfeeding Baby Advertisement - Essay Example This research is being carried out to evaluate and present the advertisement in which the image composed of a baby being nursed by his or her mother.   The image was originally used to advertise Oreo cookies but the attention was instead drawn to the baby and the mother’s breast.     Due to the powerful image showed during the awards gathering event, the ad was leaked to the public albeit it was never intended to be shown to the public’s eyes.   The ad which was originally intended to sell Oreo cookies also became an advocacy material for breastfeeding mothers.   This evidences the powerful emotional appeal of the ad that it transcended from a mere commercial device to an advocacy material. The image of a baby sucking his or her mother’s breast is so compelling and raw that we cannot help but be drawn to it because it touches the humanity in us. Especially when the baby seemed to be looking at us making the image to appear interactive. The emotional app eal of the image is so powerful that the cookie is ignored by the audience. There may be a lot of people who may find the image disturbing or even obscene and improper but one cannot readily dismiss it because it is made by advertising professionals. At the onset, one may be revolted or find the image inappropriate but when one looks closely and notice that the image is created by a reputable advertising agency, the audience tends to look for its meaning. They will inadvertently assure themselves that the professionals who made this did not only use the image to stir a controversy but they must have a message to tell. The credibility of the creators as professionals shielded the ad from dismissal and even undue judgment and instead take it in a positive light. Had this been created by an unknown person, the picture may have been dismissed as disrespectful to the breastfeeding mothers. But since it is created by an advertising agency, it was taken seriously to the point of being used as an advocacy material. People may disagree with the image but the creator used logical approach or logos to convey a straightforward message that this how babies should be fed. People may not like it but one cannot deny it. It cannot be dismissed as inappropriate because there is no other way to feed a baby. The image only showed how babies are fed which is logical.